Thursday, January 07, 2021

A Catalyst For Evil

Yesterday, Donald Trump unleashed his mob on Washington. With fourteen days to go in his presidency, Americans -- and the rest of the world -- have the full measure of the man. But Trump alone is not responsible for what happened. Conservative columnist George Will writes:

The three repulsive architects of Wednesday’s heartbreaking spectacle — mobs desecrating the Republic’s noblest building and preventing the completion of a constitutional process — must be named and forevermore shunned. They are Donald Trump, and Sens. Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz.

Trump lit the fuse for the riot in the weeks before the election, with his successful effort to delegitimize the election in the eyes of his supporters. But Wednesday’s explosion required the help of Hawley (R-Mo.) and Cruz (R-Tex.).

Hawley and Cruz made Trump's rhetoric actionable. Both men have law degrees from Yale and Harvard. Both studied constitutional law. And both knew what they were doing. Will pulls no punches:

Hawley announced his intention to object to the certification of some states’ electoral votes, for no better reason than that there has been an avalanche of “allegations” of election irregularities, allegations fomented by the loser of the election. By doing so, Hawley turned what should have been a perfunctory episode in our civic liturgy of post-election civility into a synthetic drama. He turned this moment into the focus of the hitherto unfocused fury that Trump had been stoking for many weeks.

And Cruz, by organizing support for Hawley among other Republican senators and senators-elect gave Hawley’s grotesque self-promotion an ersatz cloak of larger purpose. Shortly before the mob breached the Senate chamber, Cruz stood on the Senate floor. With his characteristic unctuousness, he regretted the existence of what he and kindred spirits have not only done nothing to refute but have themselves nurtured — a pandemic of suspicions that the election was “rigged.”

“I want to take a moment to speak to my Democratic colleagues,” said Cruz. “I understand your guy is winning right now.” Read those weasely words again. He was not speaking to his “colleagues.” He was speaking to the kind people who were at that instant assaulting the Capitol. He was nurturing the very delusions that soon would cause louts to be roaming the Senate chamber — the fantasy that Joe Biden has not won the election but is only winning “right now.”

Trump, Hawley, and Cruz are proof that an Ivy League education does not vaccinate you from evil. In fact, it can serve as a catalyst for evil.


Anonymous said...

A Canadian, a Cuban and an American white supremacist walk into a bar. The bartender says, "what'll you have Sen. Cruz?"

I wonder what Trump's got on Ted Cruz. Trump accused Ted's father of being behind the assassination of JFK and called his wife ugly. So what motivates Cruz to polish Trump's knob at this late date?


Lorne said...

American democracy has received a black eye that it will have a very hard healing from, Owen. Watching yesterday's rioters was a dystopian movie come to life.

Owen Gray said...

You have to wonder, Cap. Perhaps Cruz is just a cockroach.

Owen Gray said...

Whether it's a Third World Country or a First World Country, Lorne, when a tinpot dictator calls the shots, what you get is anarchy.

Anonymous said...

The people who stormed congress would protect your Johnny Macdonald statues. Just saying. FW

Owen Gray said...

The people who stormed the capital -- waving their flags -- believe they are patriots, FW. As Dr. Johnson wrote, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

thwap said...

Cruz is a cockroach. That's for sure.

Owen Gray said...

And -- like a cockroach -- he survives, thwap.

zoombats said...

todays Guardian

"We are not Germany in 1933. But we may be Munich, 1923. On 8 November of that year, a couple of thousand Nazis staged a failed putsch to topple the Weimar Republic. Ten years later the same insurrectionists seized power in Germany – through electoral means".

At the end of his address to his thugs Trump sure sounds like a fascist preparing to start an alternative party with a war chest and a gang of Brownshirts to do his or Cruze's bidding

Owen Gray said...

Precisely, zoombats. Biden will be president. But the danger has not disappeared.

the salamander said...

.. the 'patriots' took heavy casualties.. storming the Capital.. One shot dead, three suffered - one assumes, mortal cardiac events.. to call that a 'coup' as many are yelling defies gravity Owen. They didn't even survive the steps.. There must be a Pulitzer for the photo of the dude departing the scene with Nancy Pelosi's podium. Its assumed he was staying like many, at the Trump Hotel.. Hide in plain sight.. Brilliant.. I try to imagine the aplomb of the Concierge.. 'do you require a valet for your baggage sir ?'

Owen Gray said...

All of this has happened in plain sight, sal. Denying what is obvious is insanity.

Anonymous said...

The greatest shining example of democracy in the world is now forever shattered, this cannot be fixed, period. The country is ungovernable and the slim majorities of the democrats will likely be short lived. How close they came to multiple assassinations cannot be diminished. Anyone with any ties to the delusional beyond sick Trump must now see that even the most loyal, ie Pence, too become targets when the cult leader is threatened. Removing trump from office will not change a thing, he still has the power to inflict untold damage and as clearly seen, others do his dirty work as he watches it unfold on television. This man will not do time like his peers, Madoff, Weinstein et al, but rather continue doing what he's done his entire life. It's far too late to remove him, as this should've taken place immediately after the electoral college count. They're now talking mid week next week, are you kidding? That is just as shocking as the attack itself. BC Waterboy

Owen Gray said...

Donald Trump could not have accomplished all this damage on his own, waterboy. He has millions of collaborators. He and they are responsible for the ruin of their nation.

Trailblazer said...

@ Waterboy.
The greatest shining example of democracy in the world is now forever shattered, this cannot be fixed, period.

And so say all of us!

Our issue is what do we now do about it, post USA ?
We have to determine who fills the void.
Not wishing for totalitarianism where do we look...
Where does Canada align itself..
What is Canada's foreign policy..



Owen Gray said...

Exactly, TB. What do we do now?