Friday, January 15, 2021

It's Over

The relationship -- such as it was -- between Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump is over. Susan Delacourt writes

The last conversation between the two men was on Oct. 10, about a week after Trump had been diagnosed with COVID-19 and returned to work at the White House. Trudeau has not spoken to the outgoing president since — the longest stretch of silence between these leaders, even in very bad times.

So that’s it, then. All the attention and energy that Justin Trudeau and his government were forced to devote to Trump is already on its way to becoming a closed chapter in the history of Canada-U.S. relations. It ended while everyone’s attention, including that of the two leaders, was focused elsewhere in a tumultuous 2020.
It's not easy to maintain a relationship with someone who is both a sociopath and a moron. Trudeau would never be awarded points for maintaining such a relationship. But things should go better with Biden. As Justin's father said, it's difficult sleeping next to an elephant. Those difficulties are still there.

But, at least, we won't be sleeping next to a rogue elephant.

Image: Intervention Services


Anonymous said...

I'm sure Trudeau will welcome the change from rogue elephant to braying ass. The occasional kick is always better than getting trampled and crushed.


Owen Gray said...

That's a little harsh about Biden, Cap. He's not the silver-tongued orator that Obama is. But he's no moron -- like Trump.

Anonymous said...

I was riffing on the party mascots Owen - GOP elephant, Dem donkey. When PET made his famous quip 52 years ago, Nixon was president. I'm not sure Trudeau's elephant talk was entirely coincidental.


Owen Gray said...

I take your point, Cap. When it comes to the American menagerie, I suspect that Canadians -- given the choice -- prefer donkeys to elephants.

e.a.f. said...

It will be a relief for Not only Trudeau but others that Trump is going. Biden/Harris are intelligent people. there will be disagreements, but Canada will be dealing with intelligent people who can be reasonable. It will be easier for Trudeau and federal officials to deal with the Americans now, because simply they're not crazy.

A lot of us have been to family affairs or weddings where some one gets drunk and because they're family you have to deal with them a bit more carefully. that was what it was like with the Trump administration. They were all drunk, on power, money, etc. Christina Freeland was about the only one who seemed to be able to deal with them, but she at some point in her life was the Mom of toddlers.

The Disaffected Lib said...

It seems president-elect Biden has already popped in to the Lavalin Building to say "hi" to Justin.

Owen Gray said...

The world has been living with a 74-year-old toddler for four years, e.a.f. There is a sense of relief around the world.

Owen Gray said...

I'm sure Biden has had a few conversations with Obama on the Canada file, Mound.