Sunday, October 22, 2017

Dialogue With The Dumb

William Rivers Pitt admits that, inside his head, he carries on a dialogue with Donald Trump. Part of the dialogue goes like this:

You are certainly a man of the times, The Man, avatar of all that ails us. You are, among other things, the end product of a decades-debunked economic model that consigns a vast majority of Americans to poverty and stasis while lavishing trillions on the wealthy. This we call "trickle down," and we've waited half a century now for the rain that never comes.

Work doesn't make money anymore. Money makes money. Money made by money made you. From what I hear, the last person you trickled down on got a page in that famous dossier. The economic model has failed dramatically, but you couldn't care less. It did well by you, and that's the dot at the end of the line.

Reality TV star, right? Perfect. Just exactly right. Television, Edward Murrow's wires and lights in a box, will prove in time to be one of the greatest derangers of civilizations in the history of the planet. A spigot of fiction, fear, calamity, greed and deception flows daily from every screen, unmaking reality stitch by stitch. Many see themselves now not as who and what they truly are, but as how they are depicted in the box. That's where you came from, that land of bombast and lies, and it makes seamless sense. "Reality" TV, indeed.

Trump is a product of our times, which -- let's face it -- are badly out of joint. Ours is an age which prefers fantasy to reality. Fantasy, after all, offers many scenarios:

You are the distilled essence of the age, a blurred orange watercolor that looks different every time the light changes. There is no substance to you, only menace and the same confused fiction that seeks to define and control this nation. Too many ignore or dismiss you as some sort of terrible mistake, a wrong turn down a blind driveway we can back out of, but that is not the truth of it. You were inevitable, a product of unreality many years in the making. If you didn't exist, someone would have made you up.

And that's the point. Trump is the final product -- what you get when you build a world view rooted in lies -- and you choose willed ignorance over facts.



the salamander said...

.. gets right to the point I would say ..

Owen Gray said...

I don't think Trump's too hard to figure out, salamander. If he showed up at your door trying to sell you a vacuum cleaner, you'd tell him to keep walking to the next house. But what mystifies me is that he keeps selling and a surprising number of people keep buying.

the salamander said...

.. if aTrump showed up near my door
a 90 lb Bouvier named The Mighty Quinn (4)
would 'escort' the grifter to the property line...

would not be funny either... but in a real hurry
very poor sense o humor to that dogbeast ..
T Rump et al out of their league with him ..
gots instinct y'know ..

Think Copperhead Road - Steve Earle ...
'you never come back from Copperhead Road' ..

Steve said...

Trumps crazy tweets are calculated. We talk about gold star mothers instead of why the soldiers are dead.

Owen Gray said...

There are some parts of town Trump won't enter, salamander. He fears those who have his number. And they're still in the majority. But they have a strange way of counting down there.

Owen Gray said...

A point well taken, Steve. Nobody has said a word about what those soldiers were doing in Niger.

Steve said...

Is the insane about to spill out of the reality distortion field. You shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. Trump thinks nukes are just a hell of a portable glass factory.

Owen Gray said...

Armageddon, Steve? Mr. Trump believes the United States doesn't have enough nukes.