Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Now What?

Jeffrey Simpson writes this morning that Jean Charest only has himself to blame for his party's and his personal defeat last night. That's true -- but only partially true. For Stephen Harper also helped Pauline Marois ascend to power. Harper's neglect of Quebec gave Marois the ammunition she needed to paint Ottawa as Quebec's nemesis.

Marois doesn't have a mandate for separation. But she does have a mandate to make life difficult for Harper. And she now will throw Harper's recognition of Quebec as a nation back in his face.

The prime minister may feel that he dodged a bullet last night. But, with anger growing over the Northern Gateway pipeline, the next battle will be fought in British Columbia. And, when his recent EI "reforms" are implemented in the Maritimes, Harper will find himself  heartily despised, not just in Quebec, but on Canada's east and west coasts.

Even more disturbing is the violence at last night's PQ victory celebration.  If what the gunman yelled is accurate -- "Les Anglophones se reveillent -- the Anglophones are waking up!" -- things could take a nasty turn.

We would do well to remember that this country was founded on a grand bargain. Its first government contained a Scots Protestant, a French Catholic and an Irish rebel -- all noted for their eloquence. They defined governing as finding solutions which bridged cultural and geographic distances-- not obliterating their opponents. We have, of late, forgotten that notion.

The question remains: What happens next?


Anonymous said...

Harper has opened multiple fronts in his war against Canada. He is at war against the east coast, Quebec and the west coast. He is at war against intellectuals, scientists, farmers and workers. His war is financed by the wealthy, corporations and reactionary social conservatives.

I hope Canada survives the war.

Owen Gray said...

In the past, Anon, Canadians have proven flexible enough to find solutions to the country's problems. The assumption has always been that Canada's leaders are flexible enough to work things out.

Stephen Harper is, most certainly, not flexible. He works by decree, not by consensus. And, therefore, he is an impediment to -- not an advocate for -- Canadian unity.

Anonymous said...

To be safe from Harper, perhaps BC should separate.

Harper and his partner in crime, ex BC Liberal Premier Gordon Campbell, did a lot of evil to BC and the people. Campbell began grand larceny BC, by thieving and selling BC's assets and resources. He too sold BC to Communist China.

Harper and Campbell worked very hard to dismantle BC, before Campbell got the boot. Harper and Campbell never told the BC Citizens, that Campbell worked for Harper, and still does.

BC could care less about Harper's, stupid stacked panels decision regarding, the Enbridge pipeline. Harper got rid of Canada's top Scientists and has hired his own personal Scientists. Enbridge has done nothing other, than lie right from day one. They haven't cleaned up their last 804 spills.

Harper is a traitor to this country. BC will not be used as a conduit for Communist China. We don't want Communist China, at the tar sands, nor in our country either. That country is showing aggression to more than a few country's.

Owen Gray said...

As I said, the next battleground is British Columbia.

Kirbycairo said...

People who open wars on more than one front usually pay the price. Just ask Napoleon and Hitler.

Owen Gray said...

Harper does have a talent for making enemies, Kirby. In fact, he seems to view everyone who is outside of his tribe as a enemy.

Kim said...

You are right about BC Owen, I can attest to that. @KirbyCairo, well said! Words to live by. Will Harper heed? I don't think so, exactly because he sees people who disagree with him as his enemies, and as such, enemies of the State.

Owen Gray said...

Precisely, Kim. Like Louis XIV, he believes that, "L'etat c'est moi!"

Thus, his personal enemies become enemies of the state.

Anonymous said...

You all make me giggle, you don't really believe Steve is as smart as Napoleon or Hitler? Harper has already shot his foot off and he has only begun his lonely road to tyranny. The other two were well down that road before they lost, so I assume them a little tiny bit more knowledgeable, or should I say cunning?

Anyways Harper has had it...

Has anyone noticed the lack of positive response for the man lately?

Owen Gray said...

Harper is shrewd, Mogs. When he goes down -- and he will go down -- he will go down swinging -- and it could get nasty.

Kirbycairo said...

@Mogs - My point was that Haper is not as intelligent as Napoleon or Hitler - and even they made mistakes of grand and historical proportions.

Owen Gray said...

And those mistakes were the result of hubris, Kirby -- something Harper possesses in abundance.