Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Politicizing The RCMP

On Saturday, the RCMP forced a plane which was flying over Ottawa and Gatineau to land. The plane carried the banner "Stephen Harper Nous Deteste" -- Stephen Harper hates us. The plane and banner were hired by the Public Service Alliance of Canada. Given the 20,000 job cuts  in the last budget, the message was understandable.

But the RCMP claimed that the plane had invaded restricted airspace, "although the pilot reportedly knew about the restrictions and steered clear of them, a claim Nav Canada confirmed, according to Canada.com."

Given the fact that, during the last election, the RCMP was tossing kids from Hraper rallies because they had identified themselves on their Facebook pages as non-Harper supporters, one has to ask, has the RCMP become the Prime Minister's private police force?

And, given the government's tight rein on the civil service, what we used to think was unthinkable has become quite possible. This is the man whose attack machine had puffins pooping on Stephane Dion's shoulder. Like all bullies, the prime minister can dish it out. But he can't take it.


Anonymous said...

fsedsenI couldn't believe Harper would snivel about a banner saying, Harper hates us. There was not a word of a lie on that banner. However, we all know about spiteful Stevie.

Shame on the RCMP, in this country AGAIN. This is why, people don't want the RCMP, as icons for Canada anymore. Especially in BC.

Harper and Oliver are having the RCMP, making up, ant-terrorist squads. Those who oppose the Enbridge pipeline, Oliver has called eco terrorists.

The pilot knows the sky. They are going to fly the plane again, with the banner, Harper hates us.

Harper is famous for his bullying, of other country's. Harper is famous for his hissy fits, when he doesn't get his own way.

I totally agree with the banner's message.

Owen Gray said...

I suspect there a lots of Canadians, Anon, -- from coast to coast to coast -- who also agree with the message.

The Mound of Sound said...

As though we needed further proof that the RCMP serves as the national police agency of the Conservative Party of Canada. Zacardelli proved that when he gave Harper the boost he neeeded to gain power with the mid-campaign slur against Ralph Goodale. And those scarlet serge bastards have been at it ever since even forming the backbone of Harper's Northern Gateway Secret Police. With the litany of outrages perpetrated in B.C., it's no wonder so very many of us have nothing but contempt and loathing for the modern remnant of the police service we once fondly admired.

Owen Gray said...

It's really sad that one of this country's enduring symbols has been so thoroughly corrupted by this party and this prime minister,

It's just another indication that Harper intends to remake Canada -- in his own image.

Lorne said...

It is time to tear down this corrupted institution and start fresh. Let Harper pay for his own goons.

Owen Gray said...

The force has clearly lost its way, Lorne. It needs a complete makeover. Unfortunately, Stephen Harper won't do it.

Anonymous said...

They have always been the prime ministers private police force funded by tax-payers, ie: the public.

Remember the pepper-spraying in Vancouver during APEC under Chretien the creature?

How about, well this web-site says it all...


BC is going to hold this federal government that we did not want accountable for its felonious actions. Do you not think there is a method to harpers madness? Why are all the crooked and foul of the law cops sent to BC? Easy answer, to quell the uprising the same as they grounded the plane.

We in BC can't stand the red coats or harper and what they represent, >the red chinese communist slave traders...

We like democracy in a different color than red. Or even Steven red white and blue. Calgary has been termed the largest US city outside of the fifty states. That is where steve got his marching orders, direct from the American born Tom Flanagan charade-ing as a canadian professor at the University of Calgary...

"In 2008, Flanagan was accused by Dona Cadman of offering her late husband, MP Chuck Cadman, a million-dollar life insurance policy (on behalf of the Conservative Party of Canada) in exchange for his vote against the Liberal budget in May 2005.[23] The Royal Canadian Mounted Police did not find evidence to support criminal charges.[24]" >FROM>


etc etc etc...

It all went wrong for the yanks when Harper not amused by the denial of the XL Keystone pipeline turned red, Red Communist that is. So he used his bulling tactics to strong arm the US into submission.

See here> http://www.upi.com/Business_News/2012/07/28/Trans-Canada-to-start-on-southern-pipeline/UPI-92841343493473/

So dirty old oil-slick or should I properly say dil-bit man harpo knows that his hissy fits and outlandish rage works. I guess his dad and Mr. Flanagan taught him well, when diplomacy fails go to the rails of amateurish bully pulpit tactics.

Endbridge Northern Red Chinese Pipeline ain't gonna happen Mr. Harper.

Owen Gray said...

If the majority of Canadians feel as you do, Mogs, Stephen Harper is in deep trouble.

Anonymous said...


Someone once said their is no such thing ads a coincidence...

This is kinda like what harper is attempting to do to Canadian unity, swallow it whole...

Owen Gray said...

It's more than a little ironic, Mogs, that this incident occurred in Ottawa.

Anonymous said...

OG I love that you sense my humor and not shovel up a pile of c**p on my viewpoint, after all mine is a point of view from my perspective and I do not slavishly think that everyone will or even should agree...

But like my mum taught me I call a spade a spade and a heart or a club just that...

Actually Owen I had some very essentially good teachers whom I really respected and changed my life for the better...

Where is the queen of diamonds when you need her?

She saved the poor boy from Ottawa?

He came out of the sinkhole alive and well...

Alive and well, so can we...

There is a new movement in BC called Ban the Harper Hole, how funny is that?

I have no hard feelings towards the man and I wish him a happy April fools day happy birthday even though he was born um, 29 days late. Story of his life, I guess! A Red Army short of Chinese Yuan and far shy of the new currency called Alberta bitumen...

Now that they have to dilute the bitumen to ship it down the pipelines it is called dilbit, so hence his new BC title for harpo; the Red Chinese Prince of Dil-Bit...

Be alarmed and be aware.

We cannot let him destroy this country.

Owen Gray said...

But do not underestimate him, Mogs. He's determined to get his pipeline.