Sunday, October 14, 2018

Fordian Folly

The United Nations has told all of us that we have little time to mitigate the effects of climate change. Doug Ford, however, is on a national roadshow, railing against a carbon tax. How does one explain that cognitive dissonance? Martin Regg Cohn writes:

Climate change has become climate disruption at the precise time that political disruption is upon us. Unless we limit global warming by a further half-a-degree Celsius beyond current targets, we face incalculable human dislocation to homes, livelihoods and lives.
Responding to the future peril by establishing a high price on carbon requires the kind of economic mettle and political will that has “no documented historic precedent,” the UN report notes dryly. Don’t we know it.
The fight against climate change was the first casualty of Ontario’s “change” election on June 7, when Ford proudly announced the demise of the cap-and-trade system that put a price on carbon to “cap” and discourage greenhouse gas emissions. Now, Ford’s government has budgeted more than $30 million for a court battle against a future federal carbon tax (from which we would have been exempted with cap and trade).
It is a truism of our political times that it is easier to tear something down than to build it up. It’s also more profitable to campaign as a tax-fighter than a climate-saver.

Ford, unfortunately, was not gifted with much cognitive ability. The obvious sign of that is his tunnel vision. He's sees a tax and he wants to tear it down -- even if it was beginning to move things in the right direction:

The UN study — released last Sunday while Ford’s anti-carbon road show was in full swing with stops in Regina, Calgary, and Etobicoke — was preceded by an equally alarming report by Ontario’s own non-partisan environmental commissioner, Dianne Saxe, last month. It is a depressing account of how the province made steady progress with cap and trade before Ford pulled the plug after winning power.
“Despite flaws, these were good policies that worked,” she notes. Now, they have been “swept away, with nothing in their place” because the Ford government’s suggested replacement “lacks most of the features of a good climate law.”

When historians write about our times, surely they will be taxed to explain how and why we turned over the reigns of government to the Monumentally Stupid.

Image: The Ottawa Citizen


Lorne said...

Our collective willful ignorance and childish magical thinking is already starting to exact huge costs, Owen. The future promises much worse, and yet our heads remain in the sand. It is becoming increasingly difficult to muster any enthusiasm for our species.

Owen Gray said...

At the end of his life, Lorne, Mark Twain beleived there was no future for what he called "the damn'd human race." I'm beginning to believe that Twain got it right.

Danneau said...

"When historians write about our times, surely they will be taxed to explain how and why we turned over the reigns of government to the Monumentally Stupid."

... only if there are historians who missed the extinction memo.

Owen Gray said...

Point well taken, Danneau. It all depends on how much time they have to write that history.

The Mound of Sound said...

Today's pharaohs seem obsessed with emptying the granaries in time for the famine. Why? Because they're either stupid or they're evil.

Owen Gray said...

They act like sun kings, Mound. And they thrive as the sun sets on ordinary folks.

Jay Farquharson said...


Coal, oil and gas reserves are worth hundreds of trillions of dollars. If it has to stay in the ground, that's a lot of really rich people, who are suddenly going to be poor.

There's been a bunch of articles on how the Global Elite think they can run away from AGW, ( New Zealand), vampire their way out of AGW, (Thiel) or fence themselves off from AGW in a gated community with private Armies and servants, ( Hullaballoo),

Prince Prospero and the Red Death.

Then there's the Morons. 50% of the polulation is of above average intelligence, the other 50%,...........

Ford's going for the moron vote. He doesn't give a crap about anything long term, or his voters, just himself. 4 years to pocket millions.

Owen Gray said...

I agree, Jay. Ford's motto is "Show me the money." What happens in the long term isn't his concern.