Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Blowing Things Up

There wasn't a debate last night. Donald Trump blew up it up. Trump proved definitively that he is absolutely unfit for the office he holds. He was unfit when he won the office. He is unfit today. Jennifer Rubin writes:

When faced with questions about his actual record and policy, Trump threw up word salads, switched topics, made scurrilous accusations and convinced any rational viewer he is in over his head. He mostly interrupted, repeatedly and falsely accusing Biden of harboring positions that his more progressive opponents in the Democratic primaries held. Trump was a walking Twitter feed — no facts, all bluster and all insults. Unfortunately, moderator Chris Wallace was never able to control Trump, so the debate devolved into constant interruption.

Trump wound up arguing with Wallace, who correctly pointed out that Trump does not have a comprehensive health-care plan. Trump insisted he was lowering drug prices (he hasn’t) without addressing his lack of a replacement for Obamacare. Biden explained that he is not in sync with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Medicare-for-all, as Trump claimed. As Trump tried to interrupt again and again, Biden asked derisively, "Do you have any idea what this clown is doing?” At another point, Biden quietly said, “Will you shut up, man?” He made the point that Trump has never had a health-care plan.

Trump vomited out a lie a minute:

On the economy, Trump boasted of his “best-ever” economy, but Biden took the side of the little guy, pointing out that the economy may be bouncing back for the rich but not for ordinary workers. Biden then threw Trump’s tax avoidance back in his face, after which Trump refused to confirm whether he paid $750 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017, as the New York Times recently reported. Trump then lied that he had relatively little debt (he reportedly owes $421 million) and insisted he paid “millions” in taxes. Biden heckled him, taunting him to release his tax returns.

Biden pointed to studies showing his own plan would create more jobs and grow faster under his proposals than under Trump’s. In response to Trump’s taunts, Biden said bluntly, “You are the worst president America has ever had.” Biden said they handed Trump a booming economy but Trump “blew it” and didn’t save manufacturing.

I'm not making any predictions. But Trump proved beyond a doubt that his former secretary of state was right. He truly is a vile, "fucking moron."



thwap said...

I'm not going to pretend that Trump isn't a dangerous menace, a travesty of a human being, an openly racist monster who encourages white supremacists and Christian extremists, ... but isn't it sad how the opponent barfed-up to defeat this monster is Joe Biden?

Biden telling Trump how the GDP growth has benefited the wealthy and not ordinary US-Americans when that was the whole story of the 8 years of Obama-Biden?

How the supposed antidote to Trump's racism is Biden, <a href=">the architect of the racist crime bill that has produced so many killer cops and produced the mass incarceration of Blacks</a>?

Owen Gray said...

Biden is no paragon of humanity, thwap. And to his credit, he has never -- unlike Trump -- made that claim. Politics has always been the art of the possible.

jrkrideau said...

An interesting view of Biden's performance The Biden-Trump Debate, 29.09.2020

I did not watch the debacle, err debate, but Doctorow's comments about the last third of it are interesting.

I do think he gives Trump to much credit but I think I see his point.

Owen Gray said...

I think Doctorow is too hard on Biden, jrk. He's no silver-tongued orator. And his task was not easy, given Trump's constant blathering. On the other hand, there is some advantage to letting Trump blather on. As Mark Twain wrote, "If you keep your mouth shut, people will only think your stupid. Open it and you remove all doubt."