Monday, August 12, 2024

Knowing When To Go

It's not easy figuring out when it's time to go. Joe Biden didn't want to leave. Michael Harris writes:

Like a lot of people who don’t know when to call it a day, Biden was whistling past the graveyard. Power is too hard to get to voluntarily give up, especially when you are at the pinnacle. But after a disastrous and terribly revealing debate performance, Americans saw for themselves just how diminished a figure their president had become.  

So did major donors to the Democrats, as well as members of Biden’s own party, including elected officials. Nevertheless, it looked like Biden was going to follow the example of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The great jurist and women’s rights advocate rebuffed overtures to retire while Barack Obama was still president. Those requests began in 2012, when Ginsburg had already had bouts of pancreatic cancer. The pressure intensified in 2015, just before the presidential election.  

Instead of taking a “safe retirement,” as her Democratic colleagues urged her to do, Ginsburg chose to continue on in the Supreme Court  

Ginsberg's refusal has led to a Supreme Court which is hellbent on restoring a monarchy. Donald Trump intends to be that monarch. But, because Biden was able to grasp the importance of that moment, it's beginning to look like Donald won't sit on a throne. Instead, he'll sit behind bars.

Image: The Daily Beast


hels said...

Hell bent on restoring a monarchy? I assume that is a local metaphor that I have never heard before.
Art and Architecture, mainly

Owen Gray said...

If Trump wins, he'll be king, hels. That's what Project 2025 is about.

jrkrideau said...

We live in a monarchy thank heavens. I shudder at the thought of living in a republic.

If Trump wins he may be a dictator but not a king. I am not even sure about that. I suspect that he lacks the organizational skills to run a dictatorship. We are likely to see some weird clown-show as we have with Biden or had with George W Bush.

US presidents have far less power, relatively speaking than a Canadian PM. On the other hand, they do have a set term in office.

Owen Gray said...

I suspect that Trump lacks the organizational skills to be a good king, jrk. But he's an empty vessel. So someone else could use him to be a good king.

Anonymous said...

No American could ever be a "King or Queen". It is well stated in their Constitution. Anyong

Owen Gray said...

But Mr. Trump wants to "terminate" the Constitution, Anyong.