Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sound Familiar?

The most important take away from Doug Ford's decision to downsize Toronto's city council is what it says about Mr. Ford. Adam Radwanski writes:

With Friday’s announcement that he intends to dramatically change some of the province’s municipal elections already under way and outright cancel others, Mr. Ford demonstrated that unwritten rules for how premiers are supposed to act do not apply.
If not the what, it’s the how that should alarm Ontarians.

Every system of government has written and unwritten rules. Ford has sent a clear signal that he doesn't give a damn about the unwritten rules -- and that his government will be about settling old scores:

What was so urgent about Mr. Ford’s changes that they couldn’t wait until the next municipal votes in 2022 to be fairly implemented? The generous explanation is that he’s really eager to act on his impression from his single term on Toronto council that too many elected politicians are bad for government. A less charitable one is that he’s being vindictive toward old foes, thwarting former PC leader Patrick Brown’s plan to run for Peel regional chair and messing with John Tory, who bested Mr. Ford in Toronto’s past mayoral race.

Whatever his motives, Ford has chosen chaos before change:

That kind of chaos could grow wearying after a while. But in a political culture in which it’s increasingly possible for politicians like Mr. Ford to exploit cynicism around public institutions and other members of the political class, it could also become the new normal in a hurry − no squinting required.

 It's government by thugs -- and Ford is the Thug-in-Chief.

Sound familiar?

Image: Torontoist


Anonymous said...

Time to update the unwritten rules.

t will be a tough road, and the right councillors will need to make sure they take the high road. From the high road you can see further and make this whole approach back-fire with some real grass-roots (or is that sidewalk-foundations) democracy.

Constituencies will be bigger. Smart councillors will build a bigger volunteer system. Follow the rules - everyone get a volunteer's Police Records Check.

Don't just look for campaign volunteers, look for mandate volunteers - people who can put in a block of time after you're elected instead of a chunk of money before you're elected.

Scour the used shops for affordable furniture. Find a sympathetic real estate brokers or land-owners to provide better rental rates for constituency offices. Honest exchanges of knowledge and effort will prove more effective than questionable bank-rolls.

Set up internet based phone lines to keep Bell and Rogers from gouging hou on phones. Find some young 'net capable folks to set up good web sites with all the info constituents need.

Yes people hear the big mouths first, but they remember who actually helped them find that clinic, where to take dead batteries, how to get a water test, or hold a landlord accountable. For every millionaire trying to tilt the table there are several thousand people who can't afford cash but have an hour or two to spare and a lot more brains than the "people in charge". The value of effort will out-weigh money. Smart councillors will build low cost distributed networks to counter the old-school political machines.


Owen Gray said...

You see a way out of this morass, kt, and I salute you. But it ill not be a quick fight. And apathy is the real enemy.

rumleyfips said...

Ford's wish to eliminate leftist counselors may work or it may not. The GTA was pretty blue in the provincial election, but it was even reader in the last Federal election. If Ford's nastiness motivates non reactionaries watch out.

Owen Gray said...

This could all backfire on Ford, rumley. He acts impulsively -- and he's not known for his forethought.

the salamander said...

.. KT hits some great points.. most of which would apply as well
to any new political organization dedicated to leave
the outdated & corrupted Political Parties in the dust..

To his or her excellent suggestions, I would add this..

Seek exemplars who will replace themselves
with fresh exemplars after one term..
because they have a farm to run or a class to teach
or biological research needed to be completed
or a truck to drive or a small company to run..
or young children to raise or help raise.

Respected volunteers can stand in for needed presence
as well as collaborate re strategy or process..
relieve the burden of piblic office to a dull roar
Public servants need to know what their riding wants..
ie their dreams needs and wishes..
and trusted volunteers can certainly door knock
and note such details, pass on to senior deputies etc
manage fund raising.. media relations
and get back to the riding with response & facts

But in my view, it must be community based, riding level
That is Prime Directive.. That is the Job Description
These are independants.. no 'Whip' required

Enough independents like that
and uncooperative 'bent' political parties
start trying to make deals, to stay alive

Owen Gray said...

The original model of Responsible Government was constituent based, sal. It a mark of how corrupt our system has become when you realize that everything now is top down.