Sunday, September 16, 2018

Fasten Your Seat Belts

Nouriel Roubini -- the man who forecast The Great Recession -- writes that another big downturn is coming down the tracks. He estimates that the train will arrive sometime in 2020. There are ten reasons buttressing his forecast. These are some of them:

First, the fiscal-stimulus policies that are currently pushing the annual US growth rate above its 2% potential are unsustainable. By 2020, the stimulus will run out, and a modest fiscal drag will pull growth from 3% to slightly below 2%.
Second, because the stimulus was poorly timed, the US economy is now overheating, and inflation is rising above target. The US Federal Reserve will thus continue to raise the federal funds rate from its current 2% to at least 3.5% by 2020, and that will likely push up short- and long-term interest rates as well as the US dollar.
Third, the Trump administration’s trade disputes with China, Europe, Mexico, Canada, and others will almost certainly escalate, leading to slower growth and higher inflation.
Fourth, other US policies will continue to add stagflationary pressure, prompting the Fed to raise interest rates higher still. The administration is restricting inward/outward investment and technology transfers, which will disrupt supply chains. It is restricting the immigrants who are needed to maintain growth as the US population ages. It is discouraging investments in the green economy. And it has no infrastructure policy to address supply-side bottlenecks.

Donald Trump has had a lot to do with what is going to hit us. But things are happening in other places:

Europe, too, will experience slower growth, owing to monetary-policy tightening and trade frictions. Moreover, populist policies in countries such as Italy may lead to an unsustainable debt dynamic within the eurozone. The still-unresolved “doom loop” between governments and banks holding public debt will amplify the existential problems of an incomplete monetary union with inadequate risk-sharing. Under these conditions, another global downturn could prompt Italy and other countries to exit the eurozone altogether.
The leverage in many emerging markets and some advanced economies is clearly excessive. Commercial and residential real estate is far too expensive in many parts of the world. The emerging-market correction in equities, commodities, and fixed-income holdings will continue as global storm clouds gather. And as forward-looking investors start anticipating a growth slowdown in 2020, markets will reprice risky assets by 2019.

 Most importantly, we're not prepared for what is coming:

Once the perfect storm outlined above occurs, the policy tools for addressing it will be sorely lacking. The space for fiscal stimulus is already limited by massive public debt. The possibility for more unconventional monetary policies will be limited by bloated balance sheets and the lack of headroom to cut policy rates. And financial-sector bailouts will be intolerable in countries with resurgent populist movements and near-insolvent governments.
In the US specifically, lawmakers have constrained the ability of the Fed to provide liquidity to non-bank and foreign financial institutions with dollar-denominated liabilities. And in Europe, the rise of populist parties is making it harder to pursue EU-level reforms and create the institutions necessary to combat the next financial crisis and downturn. 
Unlike in 2008, when governments had the policy tools needed to prevent a free fall, the policymakers who must confront the next downturn will have their hands tied while overall debt levels are higher than during the previous crisis. When it comes, the next crisis and recession could be even more severe and prolonged than the last.

Fasten your seat belts. If you thought the last time around was a wild ride, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Image: Goodreads


The Mound of Sound said...

Last week, former prime minister, chancellor of the exchequer and PhD economist, Gordon Brown, wrote an op-ed in The Guardian saying pretty much what Roubini is saying.

“We are in danger of sleepwalking into a future crisis,” Brown said when asked to assess the risks of a repeat of 2008. “There is going to have to be a severe awakening to the escalation of risks, but we are in a leaderless world.”

Brown slammed Trump for upending global cooperation which, he contends, was instrumental in the bounce back of 2008.

“The cooperation that was seen in 2008 would not be possible in a post-2018 crisis both in terms of central banks and governments working together. We would have a blame-sharing exercise rather than solving the problem.

Worse still, Brown says the bankers have learned nothing and will be back for more bailouts.

It was also covered in Friday's Guardian editorial.

Owen Gray said...

Thanks for the links, Mound. They flesh out the problem. International cooperation between the central bankers prevented the last downturn from becoming a prevasive global castastrophe. Mr. Trump doesn't believe in any kind of cooperation. And, if the Trumpian world view prevails, we do, indeed, have a date with catastrophe.

e.a.f. said...

The biggie in the U.S.A. is there no longer is a Dodd Frank law. That will enable the banks to get in the situation they did last time. this time there will be no two guys running for president, who worked hard with each other and their respective parties to get legislation passed to rescue the banks and the country. Even though McCain and Obama were running against each other, they worked hard to get the necessary leg. passed.

Then we have all the problems of the dislike which is gaining traction within the international community. In 2008, things were still civilized. Now not so much and if the U.S.A. tanks first, it is doubtful anyone will step forward to help. China will most likely think its a good time to dump all their bonds. Its not like Trump/Republicans made themselves popular with China. Trump and some others have never learnt to disagree but still maintain an element of civility. There are a few other leaders in Europe who are similar to Trump.

Owen Gray said...

You're talking about recent history, e.a.f. But -- whether the history is srecent or ancient -- thse folks refuse to learn from it