Friday, April 07, 2023

The Better Analog

On this Good Friday, some are comparing Donald Trump to Jesus Christ. Pontius Pilate -- a man who believed that cruelty was the point -- is a better analog. I'll be back on Monday.

Image: The Sacred In The Secular


Cap said...

I thought Xian nationalists had decided that Trump was a modern-day King Cyrus, an infidel who is nevertheless divinely chosen as a vessel for God's will. The Cyrus story is even found in Isaiah 45 and Trump was the 45th president, so you know it's gotta be true. It's a bit late to be changing the narrative now. As the saying goes, "Get off the cross, we need the wood!"

Owen Gray said...

These folks can never get their story straight, Cap.

lungta said...

Can we crucify him and bury him and have him disappear for 2000 years and counting? The economic boom from new holy relics will support the GDP for decades.

Owen Gray said...

That assumes he's a gift to society, lungta. Experience should teach us that Mr.Trump is a social disease, not a gift.

Trailblazer said...

It was the religious right that put Trump where he is today as they did GW Bush and Ronald Reagan .
The difference being that George and Ronnie were religious whilst Trump is just a con man.
Blind faith should not be underestimated.

Cap said...

Oh, he's a gift alright. Trump's of German descent, and the German word for poison is Gift.

Owen Gray said...

Blind faith has been the source of much evil, TB.

Owen Gray said...

And this gift keeps on giving, Cap.