Saturday, April 29, 2023

Tough Guys?

Some of us admire people for being "tough guys" -- who see life as a series of hard, stark choices. When it comes to economics, Paul Krugman argues, that admiration can be misplaced:

Some economics textbooks used to define their subject as the “science of scarcity.” Maybe some still do. That’s actually quite wrong: Some of the most useful economics involves telling people that they need not settle for less — for example, that we don’t simply have to accept recessions as a fact of life, that we can and should fight them with expansionary monetary and fiscal policy. Still, a fair bit of economics does involve explaining limits and constraints — for example, that you can’t sustain a Denmark-style system of social benefits without something like Denmark-style tax rates.

But accepting the need for hard choices can turn into a kind of trap itself. You might think that everyone is always looking for easy answers, but that’s not actually how it works: In some professional contexts you get reputational points for sounding realistic and tough-minded. (I can’t help thinking about the foreign policy “realists” who assured us that Ukraine had no chance of fighting off a Russian invasion.) As a result, some economists and economic commentators seem to positively exult in prescribing harsh economic medicine (for other people, of course); after the 2008 crisis, the U.S. economy suffered badly at the hands of Very Serious People who moralized about debt in the face of persistently high unemployment.

There are those who are given to Manichean Analysis. There are only two choices. One is good and one is bad:

Which brings me to the furor created by some tone-deaf remarks by Huw Pill, the Bank of England’s chief economist (what is it with the B.O.E., anyway?), to the effect that British inflation — which has been running higher than inflation here — reflects a general unwillingness on the part of workers and others to “accept the fact that they’re worse off.”

What Pill got right was describing inflation as a game of “pass the parcel”: Everyone is trying to get ahead by raising prices, but because everyone else is doing the same thing, on average, any gains people get from higher prices for the things they sell are offset by higher prices for the things they buy. So the overall effect of efforts by individual players to make gains at others’ expense is inflation, which hurts everyone. A few months ago I wrote about the football game theory of inflation, in which everyone stands up to get a better view, with the result that nobody’s view is improved but everyone is less comfortable. That still seems right.

But there is much more involved in Britain's inflationary problems than just workers' demands for higher wages:

Now, Britain, which relies a lot on imported natural gas, has taken a much bigger real income hit from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine than the United States, which is a gas exporter. So the British story may be different. But my guess is that for the most part the overall picture is similar: Inflation mainly reflecting the combination of various disruptions and an overheated economy, rather than the obstinate unwillingness of ordinary workers to face reality.

In economics, there are always more than two choices. The problem is not what is the right answer. It's what is the best answer.



Trailblazer said...

An often ignored result of runaway inflation in developed countries is that it leaves the under developed further behind in the dust.
This leads to more poverty migration issues that the developed world eventually has to come to terms with often with unpleasant results.


Owen Gray said...

The old saw remains true, TB: Pay me now or pay me later. And later always costs more.

Northern PoV said...

Conventional Economics Is A Form Of Brain Damage

Owen Gray said...

Suzuki is right, PoV. Economics is not a science -- not a "hard" science.

Lulymay said...

Having studied economics, both micro and macro, in post secondary education, I always felt that the subject of "economics" is really just a series of opinions by any number of people who claim to have "expert" status, but who rarely come up with common standards with respect to this subject.

Whether it be a personal/family budget or one devised by a group of politicians, no budget ever strays too far from the "what's in it for me?" folks.

Owen Gray said...

Economics still holds that the two most powerful forces in the world are fear and greed, Lulymay.

lungta said...

In simple economic predictions similar to
Water + heat = steam
Economists are wrong about 80% of the time
Much worse than astrology or I Ching
Economists are more faith than fact
more ideology over actuality
And despite the arguments among them
None of the economic policies actually suit
All of the human condition.

Cap said...

Britain's in a whole different world of inflation and most of it's down to Brexit. Yes, the price of natural gas has gone up, but that's the case across Europe. But the EU has supermarkets stocked with eggs and other staples, unlike the UK with its shortages and rationing.

Most of the EU countries don't have far-right governments that have broken the social contract so many times that nurses, teachers, civil servants and even junior physicians are on strike. Junior physicians often have years of experience and work countless hours, but they're on strike asking for wages close to $20 an hour. That's right, they make retail-worker wages. This, in a country that was told by Brexiteers that leaving the EU was necessary to save the NHS.

Britain's so hostile to foreigners it puts refugees from eastern Europe and North Africa on flights to Rwanda and pays the Rwandan government to take them. This is not how civilized, first- world countries are supposed to work. It's no wonder the City is having trouble attracting rich Europeans looking to hide their assets in offshore accounts. British elites have irretrievably ruined the country and I won't be at all surprised when it breaks up.

Owen Gray said...

There are always factors that economic theory can't address, lungta.

Owen Gray said...

The sun has set on the British Empire, Cap. Next in line, it may be Britain itself.

Trailblazer said...

Th UK has an enviable opportunity to become the premier tax haven for the rich, malicious,despotic,insider traders of the world; oh wait , it already is!


Owen Gray said...

Tough guys apparently know how to make lots of money, TB.

Anonymous said...

A couple of quips from former Harvard economics prof John Kenneth Galbraith: “Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists” and “the only function of economic forecasting to to make astrology look respectable”. DJF

Owen Gray said...

Galbraith grew up on a farm on the north shore of Lake Erie, DJF. He knew manure when he saw it.