Friday, May 31, 2024



Yesterday, the law finally caught up with Donald Trump. Dana Milbank writes:

After the jury convicted him Thursday evening on 34 felony counts in the hush money case, he stood in the dingy green hallway on the 15th floor of the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse, huddling at length with his lawyers and aides.

Reporters who had been penned in the hallway all day waiting for him to appear called out questions to get a rise out of him:

How does it feel to be a convicted felon?”

“Are you worried about going to jail?”

The former president lumbered around the metal barricades with downcast eyes, then said … not much.

What he did say was his usual, tiresome litany:

“This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial,” he said.

“It’s a rigged trial, a disgrace,” he added seconds later.

“This was a rigged, disgraceful trial,” he said, a third time.

Furthermore, he said, “our whole country is being rigged” and “it’s just a disgrace.”

This was not the trial that carried the most severe consequences. Trump's enablers are working overtime to put those off. But this was the trial that exposed Trump as the bottom feeder he has always been -- and as the stupidest man who has ever been elected president.

If Americans re-elect him, they are truly the stupidest people on the planet.

Image: ABC News


Northern PoV said...

" the stupidest people on the planet"

Perhaps ... but lots of competition.

Certainly a 'smart' people and a normal, effective justice system would have dealt with these charges years ago. The American rhetoric on the world stage i.e. 'rules based order' always sounded hollow to any informed observer. Now their hypocrisy at home reflects their approach to world order and is laid bare to all but the aggressively-willfully-ignorant.

Owen Gray said...

That's precisely the problem, PoV -- wilful ignorance.

jrkrideau said...

It was nothing but a Stalinist show trial!!!!

There are US idiots, err, Trump supporters, already proclaiming this.

I suspect that if Trump were not so hated by the political establishments in both major parties these little "peccadillos" would have been ignored as being just your normal minor bit of election fraud that "everybody" who has made it to Washington has done/is doing/will be doing.

If Americans re-elect him, they are truly the stupidest people on the planet.

One should overestimate the intelligence or political knowledge of the US electorate but given what appears to be a run-off between two corrupt, incompetent, candidates both of whom seem to have significant intellectual impairment I am coming to the conclusion that Trump is unlikely to be quite as bad as Biden. Oh, he would be bad but not as bad as Biden.

So far, since Biden has become president he/his team has managed to precipitate a a major war in Europe, drastically impoverish most of Europe, and continued driving China into closer and closer alliance with the Russian Federation.

On the Ukrainian front, Biden, the USA and the rest of NATO have managed to just about destroy Ukraine. Ukraine has lost ~14 million people as refugees, many of whom are probably not going back, and, depending on whose, sightly reliable figures you rely on, has sustained over 500,000 military casualties

On the Chinese front, the US pattern of official visits, announcements, and arms sales to Taiwan and the sanctions and tariffs imposed on he PRC suggest very strongly that the US is hoping for another proxy war in the South China Sea. Admittedly the Republicans likely would be just as supportive but Trump thinks more like a mafia don and he is/was more likely to ask about the ROI in such a war rather than worry about defeating the Godless Communists™.

Neither of these creatures should be elected dog-catcher in a one-horse town but going by the their records, I'd have to say Trump is marginally less horrible than Biden

Biden now is firmly supporting the genocide in Palestine/Israel in the face of a preliminary finding of "plausible genocide" from the International Court of Justice plus their recent order (24 May 2024) against an assault on Rafah.

Way to go Joe.

In less than four years, Genocide Joe and his crew has wreaked US prestige in most of the world. Worse, from a US perspective, Joe & Crew have managed to boost Russian and China's approval ratings in much of the Global South. Have you noticed that both France And the USA are getting booted out of the Sahel? The Russians seem to be moving into that US$100 million US drone bane in Niger.

I am not really sure how compos mentis Genocide Joe is but he seems to have assebbled at outstandingly incompetent neocon foreign policy advisors. I did not think anyone could be worse than Mike Pompaeo but Tony Blinken surpased him at that first China–US meeting in Anchorage and has been increasing his lead ever since.

Owen Gray said...

As I've said before, jrk, my experience has been that political decisions are choices between lesser evils. Clearly, Biden is the lesser evil.

jrkrideau said...

Biden is the lesser evil.

I bunt disagree.

Owen Gray said...

You are entitled to your opinion, jrk. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. All I ask is that opinions be expressed civilly.

hels said...

Surely the question is not whether he was/is a criminal. The jury gave the answer after many weeks of witness evidence and analysis. The question is if a criminal can be above the law, being able to remain as an election candidate and perhaps the winner.
Are there some crimes that are so egregious that they would bar candidacy eg rape, murder, child abuse?
Art and Architecture, mainly

Owen Gray said...

There are all kinds of jobs you can't hold as a convicted felon, hels -- like the CEO of a company. Unfortunately, that rule doesn't apply to a president.

Cap said...

Porn Star Verdict In: Pecker Trumps Pussy Grabber
That is all.

Owen Gray said...

It really is an unfortunate last name, Cap. But, in this case, it's entirely appropriate.

Northern PoV said...

I (sadly) agree with most of jrk's conclusions.

(And, imo, I do not think he used an uncivil tone, though I am puzzled by 'bunt'. Typo?)

I'll vote for Cap's

"Porn Star Verdict In: Pecker Trumps Pussy Grabber"

as top comment on this post!

Owen Gray said...

Jrk is always civil, PoV. And I welcome his comments. But we disagree about Biden. Biden's flaws are obvious. However, there isn't a moral equivalency between Biden and Trump.

Graham said...

Again, I agree with you on that point Owen. There is no comparison between the two and I believe much of what Biden gets accused of is bunk.

Owen Gray said...

As I say, Graham, it's fine to agree or disagree here -- as long as we do it civilly.