Sunday, May 12, 2024

Who He And They Are

Yesterday, Donald Trump crossed the river over to New Jersey and held a rally. Marianne Levine reports:

 Donald Trump on Saturday insulted the prosecutor who has charged him in his ongoing New York criminal trial, speaking at a large rally on the Jersey Shore filled with personal attacks, coarse language and vulgar expressions from the former president and his supporters.

The presumptive Republican nominee called Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg “fat Alvin.” He described New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, who is presiding over his trial, as “highly conflicted.” And he reprised his accusations that both are “doing the bidding” of President Biden, even though there is no evidence they have coordinated with Biden or his administration.

The attacks were the latest show of defiance against judges and prosecutors from a candidate who is facing 88 criminal charges across four indictments. They were part of a flurry of broadsides or baseless claims that Trump and his backers launched during a beachside rally that marked a return to the campaign trail after at the end of another week when Trump spent much of his time in a courtroom.

He said he was indicted on “bulls---” prompting some in the crowd to repeat “bulls---” in response. He attacked former New Jersey Republican governor Chris Christie, winking at the audience, “you cannot call him a fat pig.”

As Trump berated the Biden administration, he asked the crowd: “Everything they touch, turns to what?”

“S---!” the crowd responded.

At another point, as Trump complained about the news media, one rallygoer turned to the workspace for journalists, yelling: “You guys suck. F--- fake news. Go f--- yourselves.”

In Canada, we can do nothing about this looming disaster. Let's hope that Americans recognize who and what Trump and his supporters are.

 Image: The Washington Post


lungta said...

Lil pp le pire and the F***JT button boys
axin da tax and spikin da hike
are our looming disaster
and unless there are some changes made
punting the runt
not gonna happen
In truth
there is nothing more American than tRump and his supporters
That is who they are
Same, same 'lil pp le pire and his hate farm crop
True Canadians to the core
The better nature delusion can't maintain.

jrkrideau said...

In Canada, we can do nothing about this looming disaster.

It is not a "looming disaster" so much as an on-going, slow-motion, tsunami. If we look at the two front runners we see two candidates, both showing very worrying signs of mental decline, corruption, and no real idea of what they are doing in terms of policy.

Trump was not exactly a great success in his presidency and his "administration" paid him as little attention as possible. At a pinch they simply disobeyed and lied to him as the US Dept of Defense did in Syria. It looks unlikely if he has the ability to assemble and direct an even vaguely competent team. We will probably see the same Keystone Cops crew in action.

Biden has done extremely well /sarc. He, or more,likely his "foreign policy" subset of the Keystone Cops has managed to get the USA and NATO into a war with the Russian Federation that, at the moment, the USA looks to be losing, is firmly supporting genocide in Israel and seems to be doing his best to get into a war with the People's Republic of China. One could argue that he has managed to destroy Germany as a commercial rival to the USA. I am not sure that Germany, a putative ally, may not have appreciated this.

Robert Kennedy Jr., the only other candidate with an even very outside chance, shows flashes of lucidity and even, IIRC, has some interesting policy proposels but is a mad anti-vaccine conspiracy-theorist. He has gone so far as to urge the Gov't of Samoa, in the midst of a deadly measles epidemic, not to vaccinate children.

President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa took a somewhat similar position hording that HIV did not caune AIDs and managed to kill a lot of South Africans by obstructing proper treatment. IF Kennedy gets elected we might have to close our borders to the USA.

A plague on all their houses!

In actual fact, I am beginning to think that Trump might be the best of a sorry lot. He is terrible but his demonstrated incompetence plus his transactional approach to international affairs might be better than what horrible things the other two might get up to.

Owen Gray said...

There was a time, lungta, when Canadian conservatives did not take their inspiration from American Republicans.

Owen Gray said...

It's a country in deep, deep trouble, jrk.

Lorne said...

I can't see how Trump's rants don't constitute a violation of his gag order, Owen. Will Merchan finally do the right thing and sentence him to some jail time, as he has threatened to do? The ball is in his court.

Owen Gray said...

No one else would be able to get away with what Trump has gotten away with, Lorne.

Northern PoV said...

I think jrk is on to something.

"In actual fact, I am beginning to think that Trump might be the best of a sorry lot. He is terrible but his demonstrated incompetence plus his transactional approach to international affairs might be better than what horrible things the other two might get up to."

Domestically, a second tRump regime would be a disaster, but most of the world are not Americans and tRump seems to be incompetently (almost) benign on the world stage.

I'd rather have an adolescent US President playing patty-cakes with little Kim than an adult President sparking nuclear war.

Owen Gray said...

The notion that Trump is the better choice seriously underestimates the damage Trump can do, PoV.

jrkrideau said...

Domestically, a second tRump regime would be a disaster, but most of the world are not Americans and tRump seems to be incompetently (almost) benign on the world stage.

Thanks PoV
Exactly my point. Any US president is a danger but a "competent" one is worse They start wars the US loses. Well, except Granada.

Owen says
"The notion that Trump is the better choice seriously underestimates the damage Trump can do"

We have seen that the alternative, Biden, has managed to kill about 800,000 or more people in Ukraine and Palestine. And in Palestine, a lot of them were children.

What is the better choice? An incompetent senile corrupt idiot or a senile corrupt, mass murderer?

I really do not care if some #%&*^ manages to do more damage to the USA as long as it does not affect us. Unfortunately it will.

Owen Gray said...

That is precisely the danger, jrk. The sickness crosses borders.

Graham said...

I’m in agreement with you Owen. Trump is the worst possible candidate at this point. Biden had little to nothing to do with putin deciding to invade Ukraine, he was determined to do it and planned it for years. As well I don’t think Biden has counselled either hamas or Netanyahu on what to do. He certainly has suggested a few things not to do.

Owen Gray said...

The United States is not an innocent nation, Graham. But the character of a president makes a difference. And, on that score, there is a huge difference between Trump and Biden.

Graham said...

I have just read where every time trump rages about the judges and lawyers and juries his followers have been social media messaging and making suggestions of violence and death towards those people. Trump should be held liable for any threats or violence he foments.

jrkrideau said...

@ Graham

Biden had little to nothing to do with putin deciding to invade Ukraine,

Uh, nothing but 20+ years of doing his best to corrupt Ukraine?

You do not give a country a green light to commit genocide on a large proportion of your people without some dissent. He is a war criminal but then most or all of the last presidents since 1789 were.

Owen Gray said...

And, if he's under a gag order, he gets others to say the same virulent stuff for him, Graham.

Owen Gray said...

That's a sweeping generalization, jrk.

Northern PoV said...

"a sweeping generalization"

and, alas, also true

Owen Gray said...

Sweeping generalizations get tripped up on specific facts, PoV.

jrkrideau said...

That's a sweeping generalization, jrk.

Very true but can you pick out a US president who was not a war criminal? Maybe Lincoln? He was a bit busy with a civil war.

Owen Gray said...

Politics always is about choosing the lesser evil, jrk.