Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Illness Is Now A Pandemic

Donald Trump personifies what ails the United States. Jared Yates Sexton writes:

Throughout the first year of his presidency and the entirety of his campaign, Mr. Trump has shown an otherworldly ability to be on the wrong side of every significant issue. Now, with record-low approval ratings and a track record of bad judgment, it's time for Americans to realize the stark, cold truth: our president embodies the most pressing ills of our nation.

Every time he opens his mouth, he makes a situation worse. His latest debacle is his support for Judge Roy Moore -- a man who, like Trump, has been accused of sexual assault:

Mr. Trump has shown time and again a deep disrespect for women, and seems stuck in a patriarchal past that is both crumbling by the day while still maintaining a desperate stranglehold on our culture.

And then there is Trump's fixation on wealth:

 Mr. Trump's constant fixation on material possessions and his life's work of amassing wealth for no other purpose than the amassment itself, is indicative of two of America's most pressing issues: the widening wealth gap between the haves and have-nots, and unrestrained greed. In the interests of both, Trump's Republican Party is currently pushing legislation to grant a tax cut for wealthy Americans that will simultaneously punish the middle and working classes – a bill that, on the surface, seems to have no other purpose than to further enrich the wealthy and punish the poor.

Trump personifies the illness which currently threatens the United States. In fact, it's an illness which has refused every attempt at a cure for the last thirty-five years:

The truth of the matter is that Mr. Trump personifies a backward worldview that prevents America from moving forward and realizing its potential. His actions are regularly misogynistic, racist, ignorant and authoritarian. On issues that are black and white – both in terms of ethics and public opinion – including freedom of expression, freedom of the press and the removal of Confederate statues, he stands firmly on the side of the wrong and vocal minority.

The illness is now a pandemic.

Image: Natural News


Steve said...

Net Neutrality is another litmus test for the kind of society you want to show up on a positive strip. So the telecoms have a monopoly on the interest and now thanks to Trump they can stark charging companies for good wi fi. Its medieval, the oldest stupidest plan in the world checkpoints for sale.

Owen Gray said...

You're right, Steve. It's medieval.

The Mound of Sound said...

Rarely mentioned is Trump's behind-the-scenes effort to flood US federal courts with reliably ideological judges.

When a judiciary becomes an instrument for the advancement of an ideology it is corrupt. Which of the three, co-equal branches of the United States government, the pillars of its vaunted system of "checks and balances" can now be seen as not corrupt?

How can American democracy even survive that degree of corruption? It can't and it hasn't. Trump's excesses may seem perverse if viewed through the lenses of democracy. The Gullibillies, his loyal base, meanwhile still have failed to grasp what he's done to them.

Sturm und Drang, Owen.

Lulymay said...

I spend some of my winter in a sunny climate in the US, Owen. Most of us Canadian retirees tend to stay in RV parks (we jokingly call ourselves "trailer trash"). One of the local RV parks has a manager who grew up locally (a teacher by occupation) and loves to get all the residents involved in raising funds for local charity.

The residents get to choose what charity they want to fund each year and they recently decided on one of those 'wounded' veterans associations. I see this one particularly group's ads on CNN almost hourly, asking for contributions to the cause.

That particular year, this group of retirees raised nearly $4,000 and proudly sent off a cheque to their chosen recipient. They did not even get a quick 'thank you' note! Yes, it most certainly is just another sign of the grossness of greed.

Now, these residents are firmly on the side of giving funds locally and one in particular goes to the local VFW (the US version of our Legion) who raise money to pay for a growing number (mostly Mexican) of local kids who require regular time on kidney dialysis machines, which of course is very costly and none of these families can afford. And where is their even minimal coverage under the ACA going??? Yes, it is indeed all about greed.

Owen Gray said...

Precisely, Mound. It's all about tumult and upheaval. The Great Builder only knows how to tear things down.

Owen Gray said...

In Trumpworld, Lulymay, greed is a virtue.

John B. said...

The only mention that Trump's actions on the judicial appointments seems to get is when he brags about them. Everybody seems to accept what it means. At least nobody will have listen to Republicans carrying on about the evils of "judicial activism" for the next forty years.

Owen Gray said...

Activist judges? That's the last thing Trump wants, John. They'd declare the Republican legislative agenda unconstitutional.

John B. said...

I'm sure that the activism that will be provided by Trump's appointments will have the full approval of the donor class. And there's sure to be lots of it, Owen. Just a different brand.

Owen Gray said...

I'm sure the people with the big money will sleep well at night, John. Trump has sent them a clear signal. He's working for them. Therefore, the rest of us should not sleep so well.