Sunday, April 21, 2019

No Impeachment

Donald Trump has been repeating the same lie for almost two years -- "No Collusion, No Obstruction." The Mueller Report proves that both claims are lies. But, Robert Reich writes, the truth is that there will be No Impeachment:

Let’s be real. Trump will not be removed by impeachment. No president has been. With a Republican Senate controlled by the most irresponsible political hack ever to be majority leader, the chances are nil.
Which means Trump will have to be removed the old-fashioned way – by voters in an election 19 months away.
The practical question is whether the Mueller report and all that surrounds it will affect that election.

Removing Trump by election won't be easy:

Mueller’s report probably won’t move any of the 40% who have held tight to Trump regardless.
So how to reach the 11% or 12% who may decide the outcome?

The way to accomplish that, Reich writes, is to keep underscoring how morally loathsome Trump is:

Democrats and progressives tend to shy away from morality, given how rightwing evangelicals have used it against abortion, contraceptives and equal marriage rights.
But that’s to ignore Americans’ deep sense of right and wrong. Character counts, and presidential character counts most of all.
Even though Mueller apparently doesn’t believe a sitting president can be indicted, he provides a devastating indictment of Trump’s character.
Even though Mueller apparently doesn’t believe a sitting president can be indicted, he provides a devastating indictment of Trump’s character.
Trump is revealed as a chronic liar. He claimed he never asked for loyalty from FBI director James Comey. Mueller finds he did. Trump claimed he never asked Comey to let the “Michael Flynn matter go”. Mueller finds he did. Trump claimed he never pushed the White House counsel Don McGahn to fire Mueller. Mueller finds he did. Trump even lied about inviting Comey to dinner, claiming falsely, in public, that Comey requested it. Trump enlists others to lie. He lies to his staff.
Trump treats his subordinates horribly. He hides things from them. He yells at them. He orders them to carry out illegal acts.
He acts like a thug. He regrets his lawyers are not as good at protecting him as was his early mentor Roy Cohn – a mob lawyer. When reports surface about the now infamous Trump Tower meeting of June 2016, Trump directs the cover-up.
Trump is unprincipled. The few people in the White House and the cabinet who stand up to him, according to Mueller – threatening to resign rather than carry out his illegal orders – are now gone. They resigned or were fired.
This is a portrait of a morally bankrupt man.

The evidence -- which Mueller has marshaled  -- is unambiguous. If Americans refuse to acknowledge it, they're doomed.

Happy Easter or Passover -- or whatever you may celebrate this weekend.

Image: Kagro In The Morning


bcwaterboy said...

The 40% or so that support Trump I believe do so based on the fake persona of the "Apprentice" and given the revolving door around his pathetic administration, one can envision a boardroom with Stephen Miller by his said berating them and saying "you're fired". He is not the successful businessman he is a fraud. Unfortunately, it appears a forgone conclusion that the Dems will send Joe Biden to the nomination, a status quo if there ever was one, and squander the amazing set of candidates they have, ensuring that nothing will change behind the scenes. Although, you heard i here first, I don't think Biden can beat Trump, there stuck with him until 2024, as we will be stuck with Andrew Sheer for at least a decade on the horizon.

Owen Gray said...

That's not a future I look forward to, waterboy.

JasonS said...

These are the questions everyone needs to ask Trump supporters. If your taxes go up under Trumps tax plan will you still believe everything Trump says. If you lose your health care or if your healthcare costs rise under Trumps health care "plan" will he still have your absolute support. If you or your parents Medicare and Social Security benefits are slashed or eliminated by the Trump administration will that affect your undying loyalty and trust. These 3 things are going to happen if Trump and his enablers are allowed free reign and in most cases they are happening now. Those are the greed factors that caused most people to support this corrupt cabal and when it affects Trumps supporters pocketbook personally then and only then will the spell be broken. Nothing the Democrats say or do will snap Trumps worshippers out of their blind devotion politically , that well is poisoned . Follow the money has never been more apropos.

Lorne said...

There are none so blind as those who will not see. That adage seems the perfect way to describe the Trump base, Owen.

Owen Gray said...

I agree, Jason. And, when state prosecutors follow Trump's money, the House of Cards will fall. More importantly, pardons won't be an option.

Owen Gray said...

As The Bard wrote, Lorne, "Oh, what fools these mortals be!"

Lulymay said...

I watch the PBS news hour at 6pm, Owen, as it seems to have the most balanced reporting of all things American. Prior to the mid terms of last fall, one of their reporters was in Florida and talked to 4 women, 2 Dems and 2 Repug, to hear what they based their voting decision on.

The 2 Dems talked about the need for health care, money for education and generally issues that affected the daily lives of their family as being important to them as well as their concern about how those of Hispanic background were being demonized.

On the other hand the 2 Repugs were absolutely firm about the need to reverse Roe v. Wade, abolish same sex marriage, and enforce prayers in all schools, regardless of where their funding came from. That was their sole purpose in voting. They proudly described themselves as evangelicals and seemed unconcerned about their current President's life style and apparent disconnect from the difference between truth and lies.

Owen Gray said...

I recently read an analysis that said exactly the same thing, Lulymay. As long as Trump keeps appointing the judges they want, he can do anything and get away with it.