Friday, January 22, 2021

Julie, Julie, Julie

Julie Payette has resigned. The warning signs were there from the beginning. Susan Delacourt writes:

It took very few days after Payette’s announced appointment for some big red flags to emerge surrounding her life in Maryland, including a charge of second-degree assault (later dropped and expunged from the record) and an incident in which a woman died after being struck by a vehicle driven by Payette.

Nor did the PMO appointments division seem to do any research into Payette’s other forays into overseeing a workplace, such as at the Montreal Science Centre from 2011 to 2016, where employees lodged complaints very similar to the ones that have caused this latest, but largest downfall.

Had Payette wanted to run as a candidate in Trudeau’s Liberal party, her application would have been rejected on these grounds. But it was 2017 and the prime minister was a celebrity, Payette was a celebrity and what could possibly go wrong?

Four years ago, Americans elected a celebrity to the presidency. That didn't work out so well. I applauded Payette's appointment. But I assumed she was qualified for the job. I assumed she was like John Glenn -- a terrific astronaut and a skilled politician.

I was wrong.



Anonymous said...

She sounds like a boss from hell, but then from what was reported at the time, I doubt Stephen Harper was much better. I wonder how much of Payette's woes are down to her being a woman. It seems every time we have a woman GG the media is all atwitter with how bad she is. Adrienne Clarkson was criticized over spending and for allegedly breaching protocol. Michaelle Jean got in hot water over her French citizenship and her alleged Quebec separatist sympathies. Even Jeanne Sauve was criticized for "presidentializing" the GG position. I don't recall similar criticism of Canada's male GGs - maybe they were all much more professional!


Owen Gray said...

That's a fair point, Cap. It's not easy being a woman in politics. Our first and only woman prime minister didn't last long in the job. Nonetheless, it appears that Ms. Payette lacked what we call "soft skills."

Anonymous said...

It seems that the general consensus of the report is that the results are scathing. Despite the long overdue focus on bullying, which is primarily children, not the ones wrecking workplaces and boardrooms, these types rise to leadership positions without scrutiny, bully in plain daylight until those unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end, are tired of crying in washrooms and vehicles. Payette should never lead a workplace again and those who consider hiring her, are a big part of the problem or actually want someone who behaves so childish as she clearly has. What a disgrace to the GG office. BC Waterboy

Owen Gray said...

There was a process in place to avoid this outcome, waterboy. It appears that process was overridden.

Anonymous said...

I'll add Owen, David Johnson was not not an ideal GG from my perspective. He loved to act as Mr. Dress-up. Harper bashed Michaelle Jean primarily because she was appointed by Jean Chretien. My biggest bugbear with Johnson is he set the terms of reference whereby Brian Mulroney could not be punished for his acceptance of $300,000 payola in the Airbus scandal. A scandal where Mulroney had the gall to sue the RCMP and receive compensation. Karlheinz Schreiber was the only one that paid the price and that was due to German courts. RG

Owen Gray said...

Johnson was a good lawyer, RG. But, for me, he was always Harper's man.

The Disaffected Lib said...

Ultra-high-achievers are like Greyhounds. Most of them are just fine among other creatures but some have what breed literature describes as "prey drive." It's an inherent, instinctive aggression that can lead them to bite small children and pets.

Payette seems to be a biter. She was probably just fine at NASA with the other hounds but ill suited to functioning with lower-order individuals, especially in her employ. This seems to be a recurring problem for Julie.

Owen Gray said...

When your drive is to lead the pack, Mound, everyone else looks inferior to you.

John's aghast said...

Good thing they didn't let her loose on the Space Station.

Owen Gray said...

It would have been disastrous to have unhappy people in very close quarters, John.

e.a..f said...

It leaves me wondering how much of this is because they didn't like her behaviour because she was female. Lets not forget she is from a military background, who made it as an astronaut People with those types of back grounds aren't always given to negotiations, discussions. They give orders and expect them to be obeyed. Its most likely how she got to be an astronaut.

When comparing her to the American Astronaut, John Glen, lets not forget he was male and although getting to the top was difficult it would not have been as difficult as it was for a female.

Before any one starts jumping up and down just go back and have a look at the complaints from women in the RCMP, military, etc. If you survive and get to the top you can bet you weren't a milk toast.

Lets not forget the complaints against the former female G.G.s the ceiling is still there and from my experience, some of those standing on the ceiling aren't just males

jrkrideau said...

@k John's aghast
In space is probably where she is best. I think the Disaffected Lid has a good take on it.

Some people deal extremely well with equals and have no consideration for anyone below them. Ref: My former boss from hell.

Owen Gray said...

I agree that the ceiling is still there, e.a.f. And as the father of a naval officer, I'm aware that orders given are expected to be obeyed. The problem is that the Governor General's job requires a very specific skill set.

Owen Gray said...

Just about everyone has had a boss from hell, jrk -- male or female.

e.a.f. said...

Owen, agreed, the job requires a "very specific skill set" and the former GG may not have had that. That isn't her fault, its those who appointed her to the position. they ought to have made sure she was suitable. of course qualities which a female has may not be as admired as if a male had the same qualities.

You remember that old line about, a man may be considered a leader, while a woman with the same qualities is considered a domineering bitch. Not much has changed.

Owen Gray said...

This is on Trudeau's hands, e.a.f. It's his job to put the right people in the right places.