Sunday, September 17, 2023

Mike Roman

In Georgia, a guy named Mike Roman has been indicted in the case involving Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the results of the election in that state. Michael Harris writes that Roman has been a Republican dirty trickster for decades:

Roman’s backstory is a tangled tale, but one worth telling. That’s because in today’s politics, borders mean nothing. What happens in the U.S., and elsewhere, doesn’t stay in the U.S. All politics, like commerce, is globally linked.

After dropping out of the University of Miami, Roman found a career in politics, first as a fixer, later as a dirty-trickster.

Roman became something of a backroom boy wonder. He went on to work on the presidential campaigns of George W. Bush, John McCain and Giuliani.

Despite his claims of being a political researcher and consultant, he was actually a sultan of scaremongering. In the 2008 presidential election, he promoted a video of two alleged members of the New Black Panther Party standing outside a polling station in Philadelphia. One of the alleged intimidators was holding a nightstick.

The video was played on a loop on Fox News. Richard Hasen, a professor at the University of California and an expert on election law, made this comment:

“The video was certainly used by political operatives to create this false impression of voter intimidation and fraud being a major problem.”

But here's the thing. Roman is connected to the Conservative Party of Canada:

As busy as Roman was with his Republican machinations, he found time to help out the Conservative Party of Canada. On April 11, 2019, Andrew Scheer, then-Conservative leader and leader of the official Opposition, was the keynote speaker at a closed-door event held at a luxury resort in the foothills of Alberta.

At that meeting, the leader and Conservative party strategists talked to oil company executives about political campaigns. Not energy policy, but campaigns.

At the same meeting, Roman had some ideas of his own about how to deal with opponents like environmentalists. He talked about “countering such groups with opposition research.” It was a euphemism for something he was very familiar with — digging up dirt on your opponents. What the Russians would call “kompromat.”

The Republican operative was closely associated with an organization named the International Democrat Union. Roman first shows up as the organization’s treasurer, later as assistant chairman. The chairman of the IDU was then, and is now, Stephen Harper.

Eighteen months after resigning his seat in Parliament, on Feb. 21, 2018, Harper became chairman of the International Democrat Union. Founded in 1983, the IDU is dedicated to getting right-wing governments elected around the world. Influence or interference? It is a very fine line.

Since its start 40 years ago, the IDU has expanded dramatically. It now has 84 member political parties, some dedicated to increasingly harsh versions of right-wing politics. India’s ruling right-wing party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, joined the IDU in 2016, and Israel’s Likud followed suit in 2018.

One of the IDU’s members, Victor Orbán’s governing party in Hungary, has been criticized by the European Union for the steady erosion of democratic institutions. The EU has even openly questioned if Hungary is still a democracy.

Human Rights Watch has accused Orbán of sustained “attacks on rule of law and public institutions” by undermining judicial independence and putting journalists under surveillance.

Something to keep in mind as Pierre Poilievre rises in the polls.

Image: The Tyee


Northern PoV said...

Thanks for high-lighting this sorry-state-of-affairs, Owen.

Here is part of the comment I left on the Tyee site last week:

"Glad a few people see this.

This has been on twitter (x-whatever) for a while.
I am amazed that no MSM has picked up this low-hanging-fruit story.
Asleep at the switch or orders from the publisher?"

Cap said...

"At that meeting, the leader and Conservative party strategists talked to oil company executives about political campaigns." Names please. Which oil company executives? Were they American? Was this foreign interference? So many unanswered questions.

Owen Gray said...

Indeed, Cap. And those folks will work very hard to stay under the radar.

Owen Gray said...

I was amazed that this story buried, PoV. It tells us a great deal.

Lorne said...

Dirty tricks and conservatives seem to make very comfortable bedfellows, Owen.

Owen Gray said...

When you can't generate the votes to win, Lorne, you practice politics by other means.

zoombats said...

It seems like Stephen and Victor have a little Bromance going on. I always knew he was a rat.

Owen Gray said...

You know a man by knowing the people he calls friends, zoombats.

zoombats said...

Hi Owen. I had noticed my post had been removed. Did I make a mistake by pasting a link to a cbc article about Harper and Orban.? Just wondering. You never know with copy write situations these days. Perhaps my calling Harper a Rat is defamation.

Owen Gray said...

I thought I had published your comment, zoombats. It's still in the cache of comments. So I re-published it. I don't know what happened.

zoombats said...

Not to worry Owen. Thanks. I had originally seen it posted, then as I return often to see others I noticed it had been lost. Now I see it republished again.Thanks. I thought you might have enjoyed my comment about calling Harper a rat being the reason for pulling it. We can't be too careful these days.

Owen Gray said...

This is the first time this has happened, zoombats. I'm puzzled.