Monday, July 29, 2024

A Wild Ride

From now until the election, not just Americans -- but all of us -- are in for a wild ride. Michael Harris writes:

The traditional cliché is that all politics is local. For now, no politics is local. What happens over the next four months in the United States will affect everyone, which is why the eyes of the world are on Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.  

NATO, China, Europe, Canada, and Ukraine, and an array of others all have a massive stake in the outcome. Will Americans choose the former prosecutor, or the convicted felon; the first Black, female commander-in-chief, or the 78-year-old twice impeached ex-president who talked about shooting migrants in the legs at the border, and deporting millions of them now living in the United States. 

Two very interested bystanders in this most unusual presidential election are the Canadian federal leaders who may soon be squaring off against each other to decide who will be prime minister: Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre.  

What happens in the United States may foreshadow what happens here:

In the end, not even the president of the United States could suspend—let alone repeal—the laws of the great game. You can’t play poker without chips, and you can’t run a campaign without money.

Although Trudeau is not encroaching on his dotage, there is still a lesson here for him. Biden couldn’t ultimately ignore inconvenient polls, and neither can Trudeau. 

For months and months now, Trudeau has been several postal codes behind Poilievre and the Conservatives in the polls. A majority of Canadians don’t want him leading the Liberal Party into the next election expected in 2025.  

Trudeau’s answer so far has been to double down on his insistence that he will contest the next election as head of the party. He assures his nervous caucus that things will gradually get better by the time Canadians choose their next prime minister: interest rates, inflation, and lower housing costs.  

And they will, incrementally. The Bank of Canada, for example, just dropped the interest rate to 4.5 per cent.  

The problem with that approach is that it didn’t much matter in Biden’s case. The U.S. has had a robust economic recovery from COVID. It also brought down the inflation rate significantly, and is gradually lowering interest rates. But none of that had any affect because that’s not how voters were experiencing it. They aren’t grateful for a reduction in the rate at which their expenses are increasing. They are remembering what groceries used to cost in pre-COVID days.

There is another problem with the PM ignoring polls showing his deep unpopularity, and a massive and consistent Conservative lead as the party of choice. If that doesn’t bother the PM, you can bet it bothers every Liberal MP looking to stay in his or her job.

A restless caucus could easily become a rebellious one if the leader and the polls remain in the ditch. If the conviction sets in that Trudeau is about to lead the party lemming-like over the cliff in 2025, his own team may turn on him as the Democrats did on Biden.

That’s because the Liberal caucus has seen in the U.S. the power of down-ballot candidates to remove an unpopular leader when he becomes a drag on their own reelection prospects. For now, it is up to Trudeau to decide whether it’s “damn the polls, and full speed ahead,” or the Biden option. But it may not be up to him much longer.

Stay tuned.



Anonymous said...

Well they will certainly have to do something to bring back the magic they had when Trudeau was first parading around during his "Sunny Days" introduction. But like all magic it was really just slight of hand. I. have little faith in any of them least of all Skippy.

zoombats said...

sorry, forgot to sign

Owen Gray said...

A lot depends on whether people understand the danger Skippy represents, Anon. Please initial your next comment.

Owen Gray said...

I thought that might be the case, zoombats.

Northern PoV said...

The DEMs new meme: 'Trump and Vance are weird'* is apparently very effective.
I think it would work well in regards to the weirdo Lil'PP.
(*thanks Tim Walz and good luck on the VP pick)

As for Jr? Timing is everything and he is 'biden' his time.
Perhaps he is waiting for snow?

Northern PoV said...

Say it: Pierre Polivire is weird.

Owen Gray said...

As every good actor knows, PoV, knowing when to leave the stage is critical.

Owen Gray said...

That word works for Poilievre, too, PoV.

hels said...

Is it illegal for a convicted felon to be elected, or just bad manners? If it is literally illegal, why has the chaos got this far unchallenged?
Art and Architecture, mainly

Owen Gray said...

Unfortunately, hels, there's noting in the American Constitution which says that a convicted felon cannot be president.

jrkrideau said...

The DEMs new meme: 'Trump and Vance are weird'* is apparently very effective. I think it would work well in regards to the weirdo Lil'PP.

I have long thought that a Liberal, NDP, or any other party including the Rhinoceros Party should be able to pull votes from the Cons simply by publishing Skippy's words. He really is weird.

Weirdly enough, in many US states a convicted felon cannot vote even after release but they can run for public office. Eugene Debs, a US socialist and trade unionist, actually ran for president while in prison.

Owen Gray said...

Strange, jrk, they take felons off the voting lists. But it's OK to make them presidents.

jrkrideau said...

Well, to be slightly cynical, most felons are from minorities; their votes might upset the status quo.

Owen Gray said...

That's what it's all about, jrk -- maintaining the status quo.

Trailblazer said...

The DEMs new meme: 'Trump and Vance are weird'* is apparently very effective.

The US right wing radio is trying to twist , without success, that meme to their advantage.
They did it with 'woke' but have failed miserably this time around.
That K Harris is surging in the polls is due more to the smart and aggressive nature of her campaign rather than her admirable stature!
Perhaps the US has realised that the Emperor has no clothes?
That said , at the end of the day the USA will have the best government money can buy!


Owen Gray said...

After Trump's remarks yesterday, TB, it's clear the man is naked.

Anonymous said...

Why can't I reply as Anonamous? Anyong

Owen Gray said...

I won't argue with you, Anyong. But the dictionary would be offended.

Anonymous said...

Would it not be a good idea for a leading Journalist to publish a piece regarding the "lies" spoken by any Politician from the day before? Anyong

Owen Gray said...

An excellent suggestion, Anyong.