Friday, July 12, 2024

Get Real

Americans are tearing themselves apart over Joe Biden. Nobody's talking about Donald Trump. Dana Milbank writes they're focusing on the wrong guy:

The heavy-handed attempt to force Biden to quit the race after his disastrous debate has, predictably, backfired. Biden has dug in, pitting “elites” against the people. Democrats are fighting among themselves. George Clooney is diagnosing Biden’s mental competence (he played Dr. Doug Ross on “ER,” after all). And Republicans can hardly believe their good fortune, as they portray Biden as a zombie — with no good answer to their attacks.

Trump’s Doral rally was full of endless variations on the “Weekend at Bernie’s” theme. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), now in the final round of auditions to become Trump’s running mate, warmed up the crowd by identifying a “conspiracy” to hide Biden’s mental condition. He went on: “We know he’s not calling the shots. … Look, the guy’s a figurehead for a shadow government of leftists that are propping him up.”

Then came Donald Trump Jr. “We’re running against a party that wants to take away your AR-15, but they gave a vegetable the nuclear codes,” he began. He tried another: “If Joe Biden showed up to pick you up in an Uber, would you get in the car? … Would you let your worst enemy get in that car? Maybe. Maybe. Dumb ways to die, right folks?”

Trump lawyer Alina Habba sampled a line on the crowd: “He cannot spell ‘Bob’ backwards.”

And Trump himself made Biden’s purported feeblemindedness — always an element of his stump speech — the dominant theme. He mockingly challenged Biden to another debate. Pretending to be Biden struggling with a golf club, he also challenged the president to an 18-hole match, offering Biden a 20-stroke lead. “They all knew this guy was grossly incompetent, and every Democrat in the House and the Senate was in on it,” he alleged. “It was a scam. The American people can never trust this group of liars ever again. They put our country at great risk and danger.”

Trump joked about Biden taking naps and struggling to lift a beach chair. He floated the idea that “Hunter is in the White House running government right now, they say.” Seizing on an Axios report that Biden is only “dependably engaged” between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Trump claimed: “He can’t work because he’s mentally no good. He’s shot.”

This is nuts. The moron is in plain sight. And it's not Joe Biden.

On another note, some comments have been disappearing from this blog after they have been published. Apparently, this is a long-standing problem with Blogger. I have not found a way to recover them. I apologize.

Image: New York Daily News


jrkrideau said...

I was going to say that neither of those clowns should be allowed to keep their own car keys but I realize that either of those two should be allowed without at least one bodyguard or maybe two. 

I don't know who Dana Milbank is but he or she is wrong. It's not a binary choice here, it's perfectly appropriate to be concentrating on Biden, the sin is not putting the same amount of scrutiny on the Orange One.

Couple of years ago it was obvious that Trump was showing signs of mental degradation, while to be honest I didn't think that Biden looked all that bad. At the moment,Biden seems to be worse to the point that I don't think anybody has the faintest idea who is actually running things in the White House, It certainly is not Biden, in any meaningful way.

Trump has the potential of playing the proverbial bull of china shop but at least there's some slight thought that he might actually have some impact on how the US government works so other world leaders at least have a point of contact.

In Biden's case, no one else in the world knows who to talk to because we have some small inside the White House cabal that has decided to run the country. Not only are they not accountable in normal terms, they're not even identifiable.

Trump if he gets to the point of being elected and actually manages to put together a team that is less dysfunctional than his last one could be dangerous. Still judging from his last sojourn in the White House he was not all that bad since he and his motley crew had no clue what they were doing. And the other thing going for Trump so he actually seems to understand that you should not fight multiple wars and carry out genocides. I think I put it down to thanks to his acquaintance with the mafia in New York he actually understands that getting into fights can be dangerous. 

Genocide Joe has not reached that level of wisdom. I don't know if you've been following things in Eastern Asia but it looks like I don't have the US but the rest of idiots NATO are declaring China an enemy and it looks to be at the behest of the USA. What was that French telegram from St Petersburg the beginning of World War I, I think it was " the lunatics are running the asylum". I think we've reached that stage with NATO and some of the rest of the Western World.

Trump may be a problem for the US internally, too bad. Biden is a true threat to the entire world. I believe it last count the death toll on Gaza is thought to be 180,000. In Ukraine, who knows, what I tend to believe the estimates that the Ukrainian Army alone has lost between 400,000 and 500,000 killed. Thank you Joe.

Owen Gray said...

We simply disagree, jrk. Biden has his faults. But, as a friend of mine says, Trump is a WMD.

lungta said...

"At the moment,Biden seems to be worse to the point that I don't think anybody has the faintest idea who is actually running things in the White House, It certainly is not Biden, in any meaningful way."

Trump however is posterboy mouthpiece trojan horse for Heritage 2025 ( in denial as he can't remember praising them and their agenda in 2022) so we know who is running him in that "meaningful" way.
The difference between now and that 100 year ago political elimination of democracy we often reference is that this time there will be no band of allies come to the rescue.
'lil pp le pire will follow suit and sell out asap.

Owen Gray said...

Not a bright future, lungta.

Ben Burd said...

Unfortunately Lorne as you know competency and ability have dick-all with electability. In this day and age of 'personality' politics the best looking, tallest and charismatic have the lead. Biden fails in first impressions two out of three.

The Dems are doing their usual stupid way of campaigning - "look at me I am the best because I say so."

The MSM are fixated on Biden's problems and blithely ignore Trump's faults and ramblings not to mention his nonsense and his constant lies.

Fortunately the Dems have so much material they should, as a commentator said last year "spray the shit on the wall" But they won't. They should declare war on CNN and to a certain extent MSNBC and demand fair coverage. The Pols invited on those programmes should use their skills to deflect any question to Dems talking points - after all it works for the Repugs.

As the owners of the Lincoln Project keep telling us, we (the Dems) have to get down and dirty. But they won't and that is why they lose the Policy Battles.

On the topic of Biden stepping down he can do so gracefully and may yet if he follows the path of elevating Harris to be a Co-President who can step in if needed.

Just my two cents worth

jrkrideau said...

Trump however is posterboy mouthpiece trojan horse for Heritage 2025 ( in denial as he can't remember praising them and their agenda in 2022) so we know who is running him in that "meaningful" way.

I think he is to much of a loose cannon for them to have a lot of control over but, at least, that might give other countries some idea of who is running the show. I doubt that any other country particularly gives a @#%& over most or all of Heritage 2025's policies which, from commentaries I have seen, seems domestically orientated.

I suppose from our view the big worry would be refugees. When Trump won last time, I jokingly, said that we would need to set up refugee camps. Oops. Mind you I was talking about your standard US citizen and we got Haitians, etc., instead but I got the Camps right!

Owen Gray said...

I get the distinct impression that Biden has no intention of stepping down, Ben.

Owen Gray said...

I take Trump's detention camps seriously, jrk. It's not just a threat. He's done it before.

Owen Gray said...

Whose ego are you talking about, Anon? Please initial your response.

Ben Burd said...

"He may not but the elderly ego has to be pricked!"

That was me Owen talking into my phone. Couldn't sign properly. But never underestimate the power of the elderly ego, particularly from those who think they have achieved something and never really been praised for it.

Biden I fear is falling into the trap of thinking that he is not afflicted by the ills of old age, as we all do. But in this case it is fatal.

Owen Gray said...

I'm a little more forgiving, Ben. I'm an old man with quite a few frailties. But I will not go gently into that good night. I expect that Biden feels something similar.

Northern PoV said...

"Nobody's talking* about Donald Trump. "

'What a difference a day makes', eh? ;-)

*Alas, not in the way you mean. Watch for the martyr polling-bump.

And imo, Biden is a moron for not sticking to his 'transitional President' implied-promise and the pressure to quit should be ramped up.
The DEMs desperately needed a new candidate/narrative before yesterday.
Now ......

Owen Gray said...

There will be no new candidate, PoV.