Monday, July 01, 2024

Canada Day 2024

We're grumpy these days. Mr. Poilievre tells us that "Canada is broken." It's Poilievre boilerplate -- over the top and mean. There is much to fix and improve. But there is much to celebrate.

Happy Canada Day.

Image: Britannica


Lorne said...

Happy Canada Day, Owen.

Northern PoV said...

Happy Canada Day.

an ode to Lil'PP from Bob ...

"Everything Is Broken

Broken lines, broken strings
Broken threads, broken springs
Broken idols, broken heads
People sleeping in broken beds
Ain't no use jiving, ain't no use joking
Everything is broken

Broken bottles, broken plates
Broken switches, broken gates
Broken dishes, broken parts
Streets are filled with broken hearts
Broken words never meant to be spoken
Everything is broken

Seem like every time you stop and turn around
Something else just hit the ground

Broken cutters, broken saws
Broken buckles, broken laws
Broken bodies, broken bones
Broken voices on broken phones
Take a deep breath, feel like you're choking
Everything is broken

Every time you leave and go off someplace
Things fall to pieces in my face

Broken hands on broken ploughs
Broken treaties, broken vows
Broken pipes, broken tools
People bending broken rules
Hound dog howling, bull frog croaking
Everything is broken"

Owen Gray said...

That would also apply to Mr. Poilievre, PoV.

Owen Gray said...

Happy Canada Day to you as well, Lorne.

Anonymous said...

Oh Canada, we still love you……..
I combine that with our Centennial song, and it gives me a lift. DJF

Owen Gray said...

We need to think back to the Centennial, DJF. Our vision of the country wasn't the one Poilievre is selling.

John B. said...

It's sad to realize that the country may be in the process of being redefined by a couple of cartoon characters like Trudeau and Poilievre while Jagmeet sits there stunned and trying to figure it all out..

Owen Gray said...

Character is destiny, John.