Friday, March 05, 2021

Neanderthal Thinking

Wearing a mask during the pandemic is not an impossible burden. Paul Krugman writes:

We’ve made a lot of progress against the pandemic over the past couple of months. But the danger is far from over. There are still substantially more Americans hospitalized with Covid-19 now than there were, say, last June, when many states were rushing to reopen and Mike Pence, the vice president then, was assuring us that there wouldn’t be a second wave. Roughly 400,000 deaths later, we know how that worked out.

Yet Texas and Mississippi have just ended their statewide mask requirements.

It’s true that there is now a bright light at the end of the tunnel: The development of effective vaccines has been miraculously fast, and the actual pace of vaccinations is rapidly accelerating. But this good news should make us more willing, not less, to endure inconvenience now: At this point we’re talking about only a few more months of vigilance, not a long slog with no end in sight.

But conservatives are having a tantrum. They want their porridge -- and they want it now:

So what’s motivating the rush to unmask? It’s not economics. As I said, the costs of mask-wearing are trivial. And basic economics tells us that people should have incentives to take into account costs they impose on others; if potentially exposing those you meet to a deadly disease isn’t an “externality,” I don’t know what is.

Of course, we know what’s actually going on here: politics. Refusing to wear a mask has become a badge of political identity, a barefaced declaration that you reject liberal values like civic responsibility and belief in science. (Those didn’t used to be liberal values, but that’s what they are in America 2021.)

This medical version of identity politics seems to trump everything, up to and including belief in the sacred rights of property owners. When organizers at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference asked attendees to wear masks — not as a matter of policy, but simply to abide by the rules of the hotel hosting the meeting — they were met by boos and cries of “Freedom!” Do people shriek about rights when they see a shop sign declaring, “No shoes, no shirt, no service”?

This insanity is no longer surprising:

These days conservatives don’t seem to care about anything except identity politics, often expressed over the pettiest of issues. Democrats appear to be on the verge of enacting a huge relief bill that embodies many progressive policy priorities. But the Republican response has been remarkably low energy, and right-wing media are obsessed with the (falsely) alleged plot to make Mr. Potato Head gender-neutral.

Joe Biden has called this Neanderthal thinking. Contrary to popular belief, Neanderthal Man did not go extinct. He obviously still lives in certain woe begotten areas of this planet.



Lorne said...

I love your concluding paragraph, Owen. It sums up everything that needs to be said about much of America today.

Owen Gray said...

We like to think that history is a March Toward Progress, Lorne. The truth is that history alternates between progress and regression. At the moment, regression holds most of the cards.

The Disaffected Lib said...

I spotted this on Facebook:

"Coming Soon - NO MASKS

"From the people who brought you

"No Electricity!

"And No Running Water!"

And therein lies the lesson for us all. Don't mess with Texas.

The Disaffected Lib said...

BTW - what is "identity politics" except tribalism. You seize upon issues that are totemic to delineate your tribe from the other. That's red meat tribalism, a staple of the radical rightwing diet that's now spreading through the ranks of conservatives.

Bolsonaro, meanwhile, has told Brazilians to "stop whining" about their country's Covid death rate. "How long are you going to keep on crying?"

Does this sound like a guy who will ensure a free and fair election when his term expires? Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives these days are long on trivial grievances but short on vision. They'd rather have people focused on a few unpopular Dr. Seuss books being taken out of publication by his estate than talking about their attempted armed coup on the Capitol. As for their cancelling mask mandates and reopening businesses, that's just a straightforward attack on the working class who don't have the luxury of working from home and having their staff do the shopping. Same old, same old, plus it distracts attention from their complete bungling of the power grid that killed dozens and left millions without power and heat.


Owen Gray said...

Don't mess with Texas, Mound. But, most assuredly, Texas will mess with you.

Owen Gray said...

Once upon a time, Mound, empathy was supposed to be a sine qua non for any politician. It's remarkable how many leaders are absolutely devoid of that quality.

Owen Gray said...

It's truly stunning that, after the catastrophic power failure in Texas, the governor doubles down on stupidity. He's no bright bulb, Cap.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that our Neanderthal ancestors have been pegged with the face of modern stupidity. To survive in those times would take much more skill than the stupid con American Governors and the Big 5 in Canada regularly display. It's their collective stupidity that have left us relying on vaccination (at predictably poor rates of uptake to come) to get us out of this mess. Also, the anti mask crowd being treated differently at protests vs anti pipeline or climate change protests speaks volumes that we're a hell of a long way from taking this pandemic seriously. next time, and there will be a next time, we shall not be so fortunate and the infection rate and death rate will hit the rich white donor and tax dodging class equally as hard as the apparently disposable folk in the deplorable long term care conditions or people of colour.

Anonymous said...

Last comment was BC watery :)

the salamander said...

.. well Owen.. I'm trying to wean myself away from the catastrophe of the US of A
My life remains simple.. I have no work, am yet again 're-inventing myself'
The two of us have remained COVID free & conform to the common sense
I see endless hectoring & lecturing from political parasites
and so I ask mean spirited questions.. to Mainstream Media 'journos'

Did Jason Kenney have a 'flu shot' or a 'COVID vaccine' - and when ?
After all he keeps calling Covid 'the flu' & it's on the record

What's with the money pit called Site C ? in BC ?
And the incredible shrinking royalties

What's with Erin O'Toole ? Is there anything else to know ?
Does he have a cat ? Does it have a hat ?

Doug Ford.. ? He skates re 'An Iron Ring of Protection' ?
How many dead or dying Seniors as a result of that hot air ?

I dare not venture into Quebec.. Ergh .. Plains of Abraham
and 'should I stay or should I go ?' (The Clash)

What about the Alberta MP.. Fort McMurray - Cold Lake
Petition to not allow the term 'assault rifle' to be used in House of Commons

How is that Atlantic Fishery doing ? Any sign of the cod returning ?
They still hope to dump toxic waste into the lobster areas ?

How those 'orphan well' remediations going Saskatchewan ?
Any of them remediated ? Canadians paid for it !

Bottom line.. We're now at the mercy of partisan political parasites
They move goalposts, outright lie, play with words,
Pass laws enabling them to emasculate Environmental guardians
They want to rewrite Educational Best Practices
Shred Healthcare contracts, sell or privatize at their whim

All while ignoring their actual job description as mere Public Servants
They see their way clear to establish 4-8 year 'fiefdoms'.. 'Caliphates'

jrkrideau said...

@ Owen 1:43
It's truly stunning that, after the catastrophic power failure in Texas, the governor doubles down on stupidity.

I may be a bit cynical but he may have decided he needs a distraction.

Owen Gray said...

Clearly, there are some folks who believe that some of us are disposable, waterboy. They have yet to discover that the virus makes no such distinctions.

Owen Gray said...

We live in an age that claims there is no distinction between self-interest and the common interest, sal. By now, the falsehood behind that claim should be patently obvious.

Owen Gray said...

He may think it will be a distraction, jrk. But it will underscore the fact that he is a clear and present danger to the public welfare.

Gyor said...

I say this as a life long NDP voter, 90% of the current culture war is caused by woke foolishness, not conservatives, and many of the critics aren't conservatives, although criticism the corporate woke gets you accused of being one or enabling them.

And the Americans will have their populations vaccinated by May, a simple way to increase compliance and calm this down is to promise to end mask requirements by sometime in May. Seeing that there is an end to this will relieve tensions and with that will come enough compliance that America will have minimum suffering. Often less oppressive measures achieves higher compliance and is more effective then extreme measure as one can see in comparing BC to Ontario/Quebec, or comparing Florida to California/New York, or even comparing India to the United States of America.

Owen Gray said...

I wish that setting a deadline would solve the problem, Gyor. But we live in societies where winner take all seems to be an axiom. I suspect setting a deadline wouldn't satisfy the governors of Texas and Mississippi.