Sunday, June 02, 2019

No Roosevelts

In the First Gilded Age, Robert Reich writes, an oligarchy controlled the United States. Teddy Roosevelt went to war against it and ushered in The Progressive Era:

Teddy Roosevelt called that oligarchy the “malefactors of great wealth,” and fought them by breaking up large concentrations of economic power–the trusts–and instituting a progressive federal income tax.
His fifth cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, further reduced their power by strictly regulating Wall Street, and encouraging the growth of labor unions. The oligarchy fought back but Roosevelt wouldn’t yield.
“Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob,” he thundered in 1936. “Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.”

Now, with help from both major political parties, the United States is living through a Second Gilded Age:

According to a study published in 2014 by Princeton Professor Martin Gilens and Northwestern Professor Benjamin Page, although Americans enjoy many features of democratic governance, such as regular elections, and freedom of speech and association, American policy making has become dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans.
The typical American has no influence at all.

There is one difference now, though. The United States is not ruled by a mob. But it is ruled by a mob boss -- who has installed his henchmen throughout the government. They will be hard to send packing.

Add to that the climate crisis, and you have a perfect storm of malefactors. And there are no Roosevelts in sight.



the salamander said...

.. just imagine these scenarios (complete fiction of course)

- President Alex Jones today used executive privilege to appoint Jeffrey Epstein to replace William Barr who wishes to spend more time with his family, and golfing.. As well, the President shall now have a vote as a member of The Supreme Court, without any explanation

- President Sean Hannity and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell will supervise the re-naming of the guided missile destroyer USS John McCain as The Ivanka.. part of the renamed Trump Class of warships

- President Stephen Miller tweets that henceforth, the Presidency will retroactively be extended to 10 years and that those with 250,000.00 $ in verifiable wealth accounts & membership in a Trump golf club shall be allowed to vote 10 times

.. Now imagine that by actually electing Donald Trump.. these kind of insane scenarios lurking under the roiling surface of America's completely corrupt GOP begin rising towards the surface.. but that's what America got when they elected Donald Trump.. an ass over teakettle trip down the rabbit hole to Donald in Blunderland fantasy world.. and the saints do not go marching in.. the Ark don't float, and AR-15's are not 'deer rifles' ..

The names I have mentioned above are all the scum of scums.. completely lacking in a single shred of decency, responsibility, honesty.. yet to varying degrees they are completely sheltered from justice or reality.. by some sort of distorted 'system' and privilege.. a new 'great again' farce making billionaires of Alex Jones, Jeffrey Epstein, Mitch McConnell, Srteve Bannon, Kushner, Hannity.. and the new champs of 'branding', the Trumps (forget the Kardashians!) ..

Meanwhile in Canada eh.. the creeps must be happy to just be 'made whole' as multi millionaires for their captured 'public service' to neoliberalism - Scheer, Kenney, Nigel, Rona & her rodeo boy, Harper & Novak, Raitt, Oliver, Poilievre, Alison Redford, Rob Anders, Christy Clark, Del Mastro, Rich Coleman.. Jenni Lynne, Peter Kent, Tony the Honorable wienie wagger Clement, Baird, Kellie Leitch et al ..

Rural said...

“The United States is not ruled by a mob. But it is ruled by a mob boss -- who has installed his henchmen throughout the government. They will be hard to send packing.“.......
And here in Ontario (and increasingly elsewhere in Canada) we have those who are moving us, with ever increasing support from blindly following 'supporters', towards such oligarchy, Owen. Be careful what you wish for is my message to the electorate.....

Owen Gray said...

We should never take democracy for granted, Rural. There are always those who see it as an obstacle to their ssuccess -- and who will do their best to sabotage it.

Owen Gray said...

They truly are a Rogues Gallery, sal. And we seem to have trouble recognizing who -- and what -- they are.

John B. said...

These guys achieve at least some of their success by picking up on questions that the parties that oppose them have left sitting there for the taking.

Owen Gray said...

True, John. It's difficult to solve problems with complex solutions. But there are always simple minds willing to offer simple solutions.