Friday, December 16, 2022

A New Nutbar

Polls suggest that Donald Trump's popularity is waning and that Ron DeSantis' star is on the rise. Paul Krugman writes:

Anyone imagining DeSantis as a more sensible, saner figure than Trump — a right-wing populist without the reality-denying paranoia — is delusional. DeSantis hasn’t gone down all the same rabbit holes as Trump, but he has gone down some of his own, and his descent has been just as deep.

Above all, DeSantis is increasingly making himself the face of vaccine conspiracy theories, which have turned a medical miracle into a source of bitter partisan division and have contributed to thousands of unnecessary deaths.

The vaccine story is truly remarkable:

In the spring of 2020 the U.S. government initiated Operation Warp Speed, a public-private partnership intended to develop effective vaccines against the coronavirus as quickly as possible. The effort succeeded: By December 2020, far sooner than almost anyone had imagined possible, vaccinations were underway. (I received my first shot the next month, on Jan. 28, 2021.) And yes, this was a success for the Trump administration.

Have the vaccines worked? And how. There are multiple ways to evaluate their lifesaving effect, but I’m especially taken with a simple approach promoted by the analyst Charles Gaba, who looks at the correlation across U.S. counties between vaccination rates and Covid death rates. Between May 2021, when two-dose vaccinations first became widespread, and September 2022 the least-vaccinated 10 percent of counties suffered a death rate more than three times as high as the most-vaccinated.

Now, you may have heard that at this point deaths among vaccinated Americans are exceeding those among the unvaccinated, which is true. But that’s partly because most deaths are among the elderly, who are overwhelmingly vaccinated; very few Americans have received no shots; and not enough vaccinated people are getting booster shots.

But why are some U.S. counties so much less vaccinated than others? The answer, as Gaba shows, is partisanship: There’s a startlingly close relationship between the share of a county’s voters who supported Trump in 2020 and the percentage of that county’s residents who haven’t received their shots — and the percentage who have died from Covid.

You can, by the way, see the same patterns at the level of whole states. For example, although New York was hit hard in the first months of the pandemic (before we knew how the coronavirus spread or what precautions to take), since May 2021 more than twice as many people have died of Covid in Florida than in New York. Even taking Florida’s slightly larger and much older population into account, that’s thousands of excess deaths in the Sunshine State.

And the governor of the Sunshine State

announced on Tuesday that he was forming a state committee to counter federal health policy recommendations — and asking for a grand jury investigation into unspecified “crimes and misdemeanors” related to coronavirus vaccines.

I doubt that anyone believes that DeSantis knows or cares about the scientific evidence here. What he’s doing instead is catering to a Republican base that equates listening to experts, on public health or anything else, with “wokeness,” and demonizes anyone saying things it doesn’t want to hear.

As far as I can tell, DeSantis hasn’t joined the likes of Elon Musk in calling for the prosecution of Anthony Fauci, who led America’s Covid response. But he has called Fauci a “little elf” and said that we should “chuck him across the Potomac.” (Presidential!)

Now, will DeSantis’s attempt to position himself as the leader of the anti-vax movement and give at least tacit approval to conspiracy theories actually endear him to the Republican base? Again, I don’t know. Even if it does, I suspect that it will hurt him in the general election if he does become the nominee: Vaccine paranoia and Fauci hatred are still niche positions in the electorate at large.

But anyone who imagines that replacing Trump with DeSantis as the G.O.P.’s leader would signal a party on its way to becoming sane again is in for a rude shock.

It would simply be replacing an old nutbar with a new nutbar.

Image: NPR


Anonymous said...

Remember when the media touted former Florida governor Jeb! Bush as a shoo-in for the GOP presidential nomination? The media and party elites loved ol' Jeb!, but the base couldn't stand his stiff and maladroit demeanor. Trump tore into him in the debates and he barely lasted beyond the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries.

I suspect DeSantis will share Jeb!'s fate. He's got the same lack of personality and wooden delivery, and as a Yale and Harvard Law grad, he's easy to paint as an out-of-touch elite. The GOP money men would love to turn the page on Trump, but the party base determines the nominee and they've all drunk the orange kool-aid.


zoombats said...

Desantis, the same guy that pitched the idea of a WW II style civilian army that he would control. You can only imagine the types that would sign up. The possibilities make the hair on your neck bristle. We can't ever forget the clown stunt that he pulled sending broken people to Marthas vineyard with the promises of a golden future.
"The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
I wonder if his relatives read those words upon their arrival?

Owen Gray said...

The party base is colossally stupid, Cap. They're Trump's people.

Owen Gray said...

If they did, zoombats, it's clear that DeSantis has forgotten that.

Lulymay said...

And we've got the same Trump/Desantis mentality installed in the province next door to the one I live in! Where in tarnation does she think she and her fellow Alabambertans are going to get out of her newly minted "locked down" province? She'd better get busy creating a new Passport Office based in Edmonton and Calgary as well as hope that the US sees them as legal.

We have our share of stupid politicians right here in Canada as well, Owen.

Northern PoV said...

The power of the climate changes we have wrought will sweep all these pretenders away.

Unfortunately we will be part of the fellowship of swept-away debris and the questions of Trump vs Biden vs DeSantis (or Trudeau vs Lil'PP) will seem quaint.

At least King Canute knew he had no real power beyond the realms of petty people.

Owen Gray said...

But he learned his lesson the hard way, PoV.

Owen Gray said...

I agree, Lulymay. Stupidity knows no borders.