The protesters claim they want "freedom." But, Michael Harris writes:
What freedom is it that they are celebrating? Essentially, the freedom to disrupt and endanger the vast majority of their fellow citizens who know the difference between a public health crisis and a phoney political pose.
The overwhelming majority of Canadians favour vaccine mandates and believe that the unvaccinated are putting other people in peril. That’s why every party in the last federal election in Canada, with the exception of Maxime Bernier’s Peoples Party, stood for some form of vaccination compliance to help fight COVID-19.
The drivers in those trucks, allegedly hundreds of them, will no doubt turn Ottawa into a hot mess for as many days as they can. They have already disrupted the work of the 90 per cent of truckers who are vaccinated and just want to get on with the job; just as the unvaccinated are driving a pandemic that has killed thousands of people, and worn out a sizeable number of nurses and doctors in this country and in others.
This inane convoy should remind everyone of something—the idiots who interfered with health-care workers by conducting their ignorant anti-vaccine, anti-masking protests outside hospitals—even when it meant endangering patients. Some even surrounded the homes of those medical officers responsible for setting the restrictions to save lives from COVID-19.
There is an analogue for these folks:
that jackal-pack of Republican members of Congress and Senators who have also formed a tyranny of the minority by endorsing Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him.
Those people, wittingly or unwittingly, came close to igniting a political coup in the United States last January. How crazy has the GOP become? Former House speaker Newt Gingrich has called for the jailing of those sitting on the Congressional committee investigating the insurrection at the Capitol. Newt could have been mayor of Salem when the big thing was burning witches.
One young woman on Parliament Hill proudly displayed her Trump flag. And, like Trump, the convoy offers a free pass to crazies:
The Freedom Convoy will bring out every chocolate-encrusted nut-bar in the country. Some of the worst elements in this disgraceful faux protest have made clear that they would like to essentially dissolve government. They are not patriots or champions of human rights. They are democracy-wreckers and spreaders of lies and disease. They are the tail-gate trying to wag the truck.
There are many words that describe them, But I am struck -- horrified -- by their ignorance:
Do they really think it is in anyone’s interest to go back and forth across the U.S. border unvaccinated and without masks? Do they really think it’s unreasonable to demand that anyone who does that must quarantine for 14 days when they come back to Canada from the U.S.?
Tired of the pandemic guys? Isn’t everyone? But the way to beat it isn’t turning a pandemic into a constitutional rights issue. The idiot fringe doesn’t have the right to issue death warrants to people who abide by the rules.
The United States has strict rules about foreigners entering their country during COVID-19. The Department of Homeland Security started with mandating that air travellers coming into the country had to be vaccinated. Then it extended that requirement to land crossings. So now, every Canadian who wants to cross into the U.S. must show proof of vaccination. Why should anyone be opposed to Canada following the same policy for the same reason—public safety?
They claim that they can "take over the government." It doesn't work that way. And, if it did, this enraged ignorant minority wouldn't like the place they called their own.
Image: Daily Hive