Monday, February 26, 2018

From Farce To Tragedy

I came upon this clip by pure happenstance. And then it hit me. In 1970, Americans turned on their televisions to laugh at the foolishness Archie spouted. Nearly fifty years later, he's moved upmarket and uptown. Now a significant number of Americans believe he's a font of wisdom.

From farce to tragedy.


Lorne said...

The question to be asked, Owen, is this deep dumbing down of America reversible? The signs are not good.

Owen Gray said...

Something is deeply wrong with the much vaunted American public education system, Lorne.

The Mound of Sound said...

You got me thinking, Owen. Is the current president any less ignorant, any more coherent than the Archie Bunker character?

Owen Gray said...

That's just it, Mound. Archie Bunker was a character. Trump is for real.

Toby said...

Owen, I have been wondering if over-specialization is part of the problem. So many workers are focused so narrowly that they don't seem to be able to function outside their field. Worse, they can be absolute morons outside their field.

Owen Gray said...

In a time of rapid change -- like our own -- lots of people can be left behind, Toby. That is, unless governments put programs in place to help people deal with the changes.